Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Cotton letter redux

Most refreshing to see McConnell showing a little spine.  This imposition of tyranny - and entering into international deals  - by executive fiat has got to stop:

The Obama administration's plan for U.N. climate change talks encountered swift opposition after its release Tuesday, with Republican leaders warning other countries to "proceed with caution" in negotiations with Washington because any deal could be later undone.
The White House is seeking to enshrine its pledge in a global climate agreement to be negotiated Nov. 30 to Dec. 11 in Paris. It calls for cutting greenhouse gas emissions by close to 28 percent from 2005 levels within a decade, using a host of existing laws and executive actions targeting power plants, vehicles, oil and gas production and buildings. 
But Republican critics say the administration lacks the political and legal backing to commit the United States to an international agreement.
"Considering that two-thirds of the U.S. federal government hasn't even signed off on the Clean Power Plan and 13 states have already pledged to fight it, our international partners should proceed with caution before entering into a binding, unattainable deal,” Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said.
U.S. officials stressed that their Intended Nationally Determined Contribution, U.N. lingo for its official submission, stands on sound legal footing, with the measures drawing authority from legislation such as the Clean Air Act and the Energy Independence and Security Act.
Notice the mentality being employed by "US officials."  It's the same mentality progressives have embraced for a hundred-plus years.  Get Congress to pass do-gooder legislation in sufficiently broad language so as to allow the creating of regulatory agencies and intrusive programs.  Entrench them to the point where the cattle-masses take them for granted as part of the backdrop of American life.

Some of us are wise to the scheme and ail not tolerate it.  McConnell is saying the right things on this one.  Now, don't cave, Senator.

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