Thursday, April 9, 2015

Our overlords' disdain for the truth

Post-America is awash in lies.  Lies about the global climate being in some kind of trouble.  Lies about campus rape.  Lies about "entitlement programs" being able to exist in present form in perpetuity.  Lies about Mitt Romney's back taxes.  Lies about being able to circumvent Iran's nuclear duplicity.

Journalists lie.  "Scientists" lie.  Legislators lie.

So why should we expect anything else from the Most Equal Comrade's own attorneys and from officials in the Department that was ostensibly created to keep us secure?

Judge Andrew Hanen has issued a scathing written rebuke directed at government lawyers and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) for their misrepresentations made in the case filed against President Obama’s executive amnesty plan. He has ordered the Government to produce related documents by April 21st. He also warned the government against destroying any of this evidence.
Hanen is the federal district judge in Brownsville, Texas, who denied the U.S. Government’s request to remove the block of Obama’s amnesty plan on Tuesday.
Texas and 25 other states (Plaintiff “States”) filed a motion asking for early discovery asserting that federal lawyers and officials of the DHS  made misrepresentations to the Court. These misrepresentations related to Obama Administration executive actions extending from two to three years, the period of work permits and quasi-legal status granted to individuals under the President’s 2012 Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program (DACA).

When this was the United States of America, people could go to jail for this sort of thing.  In post-America, it's just par for the course.

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