Monday, April 20, 2015

Oh, fer cryin' out loud

Feminism has reached a strange juncture indeed.  Its current crop of adherents seem to want to assume the stances of fierce, goose-stepping jackboots and shrinking violets with the vapors simultaneously.

Consider their reaction to a recent Georgetown University lecture by American Enterprise Institute scholar Christina Hoff Sommers:

“Current College Republicans leadership has not been willing to do simple things like add a trigger/ content warning, or clarify why they felt it was appropriate to bring this speaker into our community,” Sarah complained.
“If you’re available and up for it, I’d strongly encourage you to attend,” the feminist continued. “Students that are educated on the real facts of sexual assault and able to provide information on resources should be in the room.”
Sarah’s email was addressed to “SAPE,” which appears to be a Georgetown campus group called Sexual Assault Peer Educators.
Perhaps a dozen of the lecture attendees turned out to be protesters. They held up signs as Sommers spoke. Messages on the signs included “Feminists Against RAPE Apology!” and “Trigger Warning: anti-feminism.” At the bottom of the “trigger warning” sign was a scrawled message about “safe space.”
The demonstrators also posted signs outside the room where Sommers spoke notifying students of “safe spaces” in another campus building.
“All are welcome to come if they feel triggered or upset by today’s events,” the signs urged, according to Luce Lecture director Laurel Conrad.
Sommers, who looks to be about 5’5″ and weighs perhaps 130 pounds after getting caught in a rainstorm, spoke to a standing-room only crowd of over 100 students in total.

The big question is whether there is still a critical mass of the post-American populace that classifies this sort of antic as silly, or whether we're now at a point where a significant swath of us sees this as the expression of mature, self-respecting human beings.

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