Sunday, April 12, 2015

An identity politics narrative can fill an empty suit rather impressively

Her only achievements of note are massive goof-ups.

So why is she so poised to possibly take the helm of Western civilization's downward spiral?

The whole phenomenon of the Clintons’ celebrity is something of a mystery to me. Part of the reason it is so difficult to analyze is that it is not all of a piece.  The engine  of the enterprise is Bill Clinton. I don’t think anyone would dispute that. He provides the pheromones for the enterprise, and absent that, what do we have?
t’s hard to say.  On her own, Hillary Clinton has to be one of the least likeable people in politics. I’m talking about her personality, her “people skills.” Does anyone, anyone, believe she competes in that arena? Barack Obama is a chilly narcissist, but next to Hillary he seems like Roy Rogers. It should be, but somehow isn’t, an embarrassment to the feminist sisterhood chanting for Hillary, Hillary, Hillary, that right from the beginning hers was a “coattail career.” Back in 1977, when she became the first female partner at the Rose Law Firm, that was—surprise, surprise—just after Bill Clinton was sworn in as the state’s attorney general.  Think there was a connection?
And so it’s been ever after. Although she, not Bill, is the couple’s chief ideologue and Minister of Propaganda, she has always existed in the echo chamber of his accomplishment.

We are so deadened to the standard of actually having accomplished something, of actually having gone on record with a core set of principles, that charlatans like the Clintons stand to finish implementing the Freedom-Hater vision and consign our descendants to lifetimes of tragic darkness.

Are you cool with that?

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