Thursday, April 23, 2015

Beyond repair?

I guess it would be piling on for LITD to be the umpteenth outlet to list the current troubles besetting Hillionaire and Billy Jeff the Zipper. After all, you don't have to go farther than Drudge to avail yourself of such nuggets of woe as the NYT article on the connection Canadian uranium execs selling their mines to the big Russian atomic energy-agency Rosatom and also donating big bucks to the Clinton Foundation - both transactions occurring while Hillionaire was Secretary of State, or the NY Post article on the Quinnipiac poll showing 54 percent of post-Americans think Hillionaire is untrustworthy, or the New York Magazine opinion piece by Jonathan Chait, a pundit with impeccable lefty bona fides entitled "The Disastrous Clinton Post-Presidency."

And that's just today's roundup.  Yes, the propaganda arm of the Freedom-Hater party has made an art form out of getting post-America to "move on" from previous thorns is the Clintons' sides, such as foundation donations from questionable Middle Eastern regimes, the plane rides and Dominican Republic private-resort stays with the Menendez donor with a penchant for underage girls, the wiping clean of the private e-mail server, the fact that Hillionaire wasn't even supposed to have a private e-mail server for State Department communications, the rumblings from former Secret Service detail about her violent temper, potty mouth and arrogance, the Benghazi debacle . . .

 . . . the cattle futures, the Rosewater Law Firm billing records showing up on a White House night stand years after investigators started looking for them, the covering for Billy Jeff's misadventures . . .

 . . . but these never went fully away, and now are of a piece with a recent cascade that is still gaining in momentum.

And a lot of the sources for the current barrage are by no means right-of-center.

Do you really think it tapers off soon and that's that?

Me neither.

So it's reasonable to conclude that Hillionaire's plans - plans she began formulating decades ago, and I don't mean just back to the 1990s - to become president and amass more power than any president in history are in real trouble.

But even that isn't the biggest big-picture conclusion to be drawn here.

Think about what a shoo-in she was assumed to be.  Both the FHer nomination and the election were proclaimed to be coronations.

What kind of party has no one on deck for the brass ring of all American political striving but someone this foul?

It would be the same kind of party that similarly deified a current president who is equally foul.

The kind of party that counts among its lions a current Secretary of State who, as a young leader in Vietnam Veterans Against the War told outrageous lies about U.S. behavior in testimony to a Congressional hearing, who, in one of his first acts as a Senator, went to Nicaragua to meet with Daniel Ortega and actively work to undermine U.S. foreign policy toward Central America, and who, at present, is proclaiming loudly that an utter fiction, human-caused global warming, is at least as much of a world threat as ISIS, Iran or North Korea.

The kind of party that put forth a Senate Majority Leader who said of the 2012 Republican presidential candidate that he hadn't paid taxes in years, and when confronted with this proven lie recently responded, "He didn't win, did he?"

The kind of party that put forth a former Speaker of the House who is publicly fine with the extermination of fetal Americans and still expects to receive Catholic communion, and who said of Freedom-Hater-care when it was being rammed through her chamber, "We have to pass it to find out what's in it."

What we have an opportunity to see here with unprecedented clarity is the moral rottenness of one of post-America's two major political parties.

Democrats have nothing but contempt for you.

They have no conception of nobility or greatness.  They certainly have no love, not one molecule, for America.

Even if Hillionaire falls, the aftermath will not be tidy.  For one thing, the FHers will have to put up somebody to run in 2016, and the support for that candidate will be as shrill and silly as it has been for Hillionaire, the Most Equal Comrade and every other monster they've put up for high office in the last 40 years.

Plus, let us remember - we are conservatives, with a fundamentally tragic worldview, after all - that all human beings are fallible, and that even any Republicans who prove worthy of lionization will fall short of His glory, and therefore must not be mistaken for a messiah.

Still, this has the possibility of being one of the most instructive moments in American political history.

Let's not get fooled again.

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