Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Turkish response to the apology for defending itself that Netanyahu was forced to make: cackle and gloat

Not just Erdogan and the government, but the Turkish press is having a field day with it.

Some people are still calling the MEC's Israel visit a real reset in relations and a pivot away from the chilly atmosphere of the first term, but I think this phone call at the airport was the key event of the whole thing.  Someday we'll find out just what kind of leverage the MEC employed.  We can be pretty sure why.  We're not really in a reset era.  He just saw an irresistible opportunity to humiliate our ostensible ally.


  1. Well, rip rip rip whatever Obama and your detested Secretary Global Test do, of course; evidently, in your concerted if not considerable view he never should have gone over there to meet with a smiling and back-slapping Bibi. I doubt that most of the rest of the world is holding their breath for any real progress in either peace or all-out war over there, since we have had hopes dashed for mutiple decades, peace prizes come and they go, an assassination or two intervenes occassionally, still the problems worsen. While I realize that bloggie's stance is the sole truth and nothing but the truth, there are different slants out there, such as this one:

    Behind Obama’s Turkey Win

    How Bibi Netanyahu handed the American president a big trophy—and got what Israel wanted all along.


  2. We shall see if there is a resumption of the kind of cooperation between Turkey and Israel that there used to be before Turkey started sponsoring flotillas to Gaza.
