Wednesday, April 24, 2013

What difference does it make? It makes a hell of a lot, Madame H-word Creature

The Interim Report for Members of the House Republican Conference on the Events Surrounding the September 11.2012 Terrorist Attacks in Benghazi, Libya is out, and it's a pretty damning indictment of the regime's reluctance to seriously fight jihad.


  1. This staff report has not been officially adopted by the Committee on Armed Services, the Committee on Foreign Affairs, the Committee on the Judiciary, the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, or the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence and therefore may not necessarily reflect the views of their Members.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. The REAL enemy loves this finger pointing.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Hillary Clinton lied about Benghazi to protect the meme that the West had jihad on the ropes.

  6. This is a preliminary report from the "good guys" that consider the Clintons "the enemy" as much as the radical Islamists and you have said so repeatedly in this forum. They will of course move to attempt to charge her with perjury. We shall see how that all develops and how that makes the "good guys" look to the American voters. Innocent until proven guilty? Tell me how that works with the "good guys?" Of course there will be a good defense put up. Lawyers v. Lawyers. You know how that works, dont you?

  7. You do realize that lawyers look ahead at everything, playing it all out like a chess match. Many lawyers have told me that they learn early on in law school to never ask a question that you do not already know the answer to. I am predicting that these vindictive Republicans are only hurting the Republican party with this line of attack. She already knew what they were going to ask and what her answer was going to be. And they are playing right into her hand. Just wait and see.

  8. What's your own theory on why H, Susan Rice and several other regime officials put the video story out there for weeks?

  9. Why? They were reluctant to face the truth? Look, the American people want peace enough to go about whatever it is in their daily lives they are about. A major reason the Republicans have lost the executive prize 2 elections running, not by any huge popular vote margins of course, is the perceived ultimate inadvisability of a decade of war on 2 fronts vs. Islam that was initiated by the previous Republican administration.. Hawks are not in fashion. While they may become somewhat more fashionable if we continue to be terrorized, on 9/11/12 the Obama administration was still operating under their plan to win friends and infllence Muslims and this "event" did not fit their program. Was their response appropriate? Absolutely not. It was not forthright, nor was it truthful. Obviously their negligence and misfeasance, if not malfeasance, did not make enough of a difference to enough voters to rid os of Obama and his foreign policy. So, in that sense, former Secy Clinton is right. What difference does it make? You are not going to be able to impeach Obama over this and rubbing faces in the dirt will alienate more voters than help your cause which is what? Defeat Obama on all fronts , right? In that regard you may be winning friends and influencing voters for your cause for the midterms which are further away than they are near. As for defeating jihad, well, there have been 2 major incidents now in 7 months so obviously Obama and his new team must step it up several notches. They are a bunch of battle-scarred barristers too. They know what is coming with their domestic enemies. They are obviously going to capitalize on your hatred and vindictiveness. That never comes off that well with a lot of folks. They do watch the polls though. Scary, though, that Obama himself has little to lose after 2014.

  10. Why, what's your theory? Treason?

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. You're not too great at directly answering simple questions, are you? What's with beginning your reply with "Why"? Why what?

    The unfoldment of events and documentation thereof are quite straightforward and digressions into mentions of "hawks" or "winning friends" or "inadvisable wars" or "must step it up" does not refute what we know.

  13. And "American people wanting peace." What the hell does that have to do with anything? Why did these people spend weeks harping on that video?

  14. I thought I was saying that they were reluctant (to put it mildly) to call it what it was, given their goals of reconciliation with the enemy. They should admit that this was a grave mistake. We have to move on though. The administration is correct that this should have been addressed by a bipartisan committee and you are going to get what you deserve for trying to ramrod your own investigation through which is not as much approval from the voting public as you might expect, although the Boston bombing is bring more American citizens around to your way of thinking. We were already grown up, but now even you might applaud your new allies here in this country.

    As for the American people wanting peace, it has to do with everything. That is where Bush miscalculated. He alienated the world, including the American people. Sorry, it was what it was. The Obama administration took a different tack and it appears that this is not as successful as we had hoped. I have already stated here that we need to learn from the mistakes made by Bush, and continue to maintain or memory of other foreign forays gone bad, although you still cling to bitterness over how Nam turned out.

  15. I do indeed applaud what appears to be some new allies.

    The original Bush Doctrine was quite simple, and, I might add, essential to our survival: You don't wait until threats are fully formed to deal with them. If only he had consistently applied it. (Iran and North Korea are pretty much fully formed threats now.)

    The world is not getting safer. The toxic mix of ever-fancier technology, ever-more-lethal weapons of mass destruction, the strident ideologies of both radical Muslims and revolutionary socialists, the ever-more-refined craftiness of wrongdoers in surreptitiously delivering those weapons to places where large numbers of unsuspecting persons are gathered, and, I daresay, a Western culture blinded by political correctness, makes it ever-more tricky to preserve the kind of security you and I are accustomed to. We'd better be smart and serious like never before.

  16. Check out this article from Foreign Policy Magazine which I largely agree with.

    It is a back-handed compliment to the Bush administration. I researched co-founder Samuel P. Huntington, never heard of him until now, but you likely have. Even if he was a liberal, this quote of his from 1998 struck me right between the eyes: Islam's borders are bloody and so are its innards. The fundamental problem for the West is not Islamic fundamentalism. It is Islam, a different civilisation whose people are convinced of the superiority of their culture and are obsessed with the inferiority of their power —— Huntington's 1998 text The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of the World Order.

    Now I'm a believer, yeah yeah yeah whoa yeah....

  17. Bush (or likely Rummie & Cheney) got trigger happy and the whole thing blew up in their faces early on because they could not wait on a broader international coalition and of course the alleged WMDs were never found. Such hubris as the shock and awe slogan should be avoided in the future, dontcha think? The invasion was a disaster from day one when the looting began and there was little planning for "the occupation."

  18. Sure, I knew about Huntington and The Clash of Civilizations.

    And, I agree that the Iraq situations was not handled as well as it should have been. But a whole lotta folks used that as a way to try to paint neoconservatives and Bush Doctrine adherents as overgrown thirteen-year-olds who like to see things blow up, or as cynical opportunists out to make some defense-contract money. Or as gratuitously cruel types who seek opportunities to engage in torture. All of which are cartoonish portrayals of some very great and thoughtful men.

  19. Well, you gotta figure out how to get more people with you on this stuff,m especially if you are going to be killing a civilian or two with your shock and awe. The whole world was watching and with us on 9/11 and your very great and thoughtful men blew this situation and the Republicans have yet to recover, correct me if I am wrong.

  20. You have a point there. Along with the MEC's charisma, the bad taste left in the country's mouth by the mishandling of Iraq stalled Pub momentum. The economic situation in 2008 didn't help either.
