Monday, April 8, 2013

FHer-care's big stall not good politically for its proponents

FHer-care's unanticipated - or at least undisclosed - cost overruns are causing the FHers some difficulties as they plan their 2014 campaigns.


  1. The party has long acknowledged that the Affordable Care Act has its flaws.

  2. It had better live up to its name as affordable or I'm not in either. I have learned not to trust the rightie rights on this issue though, since any form of social insurance is going to be lambasted by them, as it has been for the past century or longer.

  3. Still haven't heard your reason for objecting to real privatization. Private catastrophic insurance, and people paying on their own for everything else. Same basis on which we buy other insurance.

  4. Real privitization? Haven't heard of it unless you are talking about the simplistic formula put forth by that new black hero of yours, the neurosurgeon. So how is this going to be a move towards real insurance with everybody in the risk pool and preexisting conditions covered? I do not know anything about it. The catastrophic option is available now.

  5. Why are insurance companies obligated to cover preexisting conditions?

  6. I'm absolutely talking about going with what Dr. Carson proposes.

    How can I possibly know what kind of insurance you might want? How can you possibly know what kind of insurance I might want?

  7. Go with Dr. Carson then. That means going with nothing. Haven't you heard what Congress voted on 3 years ago and what the Supreme Court concluded about its constitutionality?

    As for pre-existing conditions, well, who will pay for conditions considered thus? You got it, we all will through Medicaid. I'm advocating true insurance, that's all. You are advocating a profit-making business. 2 different entities there, my enemy.

  8. Insurance is by definition a profit-making business. The alternative is government-run health care , that is, socialism.

  9. It's almost amusing to watch Sebelius try to cajole and shame Pubs into "getting on board" with FHer-care.

    You see, pro-freedom Americans don't give a flying dog dick about what the totalitarians in Congress rammed through on Christmas Even 3 yrs ago and that polls show is still hated, or the flawed reasoning of Justice Roberts last si=ummer. We still fight for the normal-people approach to all this.
