Friday, April 19, 2013

Sorry, David Sirota, but your sick little wish isn't panning out

The effete, smart-ass, freedom-hating pundit who, in a Salon column on Wednesday put forth the vulgar and infantile desire to see the Boston marathon bombing perp turn out to be a white American has run straight up against Occam's razor.

Turns out that at least one of the Chechen brothers who are the only suspects was a devout Muslim.  (Who knows what he is now, besides dead as a doornail.  The other one is the subject of an ongoing manhunt and he has the entire Boston area in the grip of fear.)

So Sirota's vile and puerile public fantasy is yet another example of leftist yearning for reality to be something other than reality, so that demographic groups can be pitted against each other, the better to take away the freedom of all of them.


  1. I too was hoping they were not Muslim so we would not have to suffer your ilk's continual carping about being tougher on radical Islam. So they are Muslims, what country do we invade now in order to shock and awe these infidels into total submission?

  2. Why do you want to see Western civilization fall to sharia?

  3. I don't. Hell, I wanna smoke my dope in peace and won't begin to have that freedom under sharia. I azm on board with international coalitions and statecraft.
    I am eagerly awaiting all the static and blame for the BM bombings you are going to lob Obama's way.

  4. International coalitions and statecraft are clearly not adequate. Ask the legless of Boston.

  5. Now, while most of the world is with us regarding this heinous act is the time to cultivate the coalition of the willing not alienate it as did the Cheney-Bush folks. As it turned out, only Britain remained to fight it fecklessly out (other than assassinating a world leader) with Iraq & Afghanistan following 9/11. I think you think nobody is as outraged as your ilk and that your ilk are the only ones who can take care of business here. We saw how your ilk took care of business--not very impressive to many not with your ilk.
