Thursday, April 18, 2013

The inherent contradictions that inevitably surface in a society where relativism prevails

Great Victor Davis Hanson column on how we have become a society of promiscuous prudes.  Yes, that's an oxymoron, but that's where we are.  Read his laundry list of examples.  It makes it hard to determine whose outrage is fabricated and whose is genuine.


  1. Become? Holden Caulfield pegged this 60 years ago. Hurry up and legalize recreational weed. I wanna be like Willie who, bestet with chronic bronchitis, substituted 20 doobs for an equal number of Pall Malls and never looked back although even his home state of TX has busted him several tinmes for possession of small amounts. Have you heard that some employers are now screening piss for nicotene? Perhaps our Maker made us sheep. Madison Ave.and the Nazis
    Recognized this before Holden was born. We are bred to be malleable. Though we think we want to be free.

  2. While it may seem that we are bred to be malleable (see, for instance, Matt Towery's Townhall column today, citing a Gallup poll that shows ever-more Americans dig wealth redistribution - a column about which I may post), there is indeed a desire to be free at the core of the human spirit that I believe to be stronger than our willingness to be turned into two-legged cattle.

  3. On this day in 1927, actress Mae West was jailed for her performance in "Sex." Do we want a return to such?

  4. I miss this society here:

    Somewhere out there in the smoky air
    Where the night is neon blue
    Surrounded by strangers, she don't know the dangers
    One drink could lead her to
    And if she falls, it's all my fault
    For doin' a good woman wrong
    I can't be far behind her
    Oh, Lord, help me find her
    Before my angel is gone
    Looking for my blue angel
    The same one that flew from my arms last night
    If you see my blue angel
    Tell her that heaven without her feels like hell tonight
