Saturday, April 6, 2013

How dare you have a viewpoint other than the state-sanctioned one!

Mark Steyn on how Maureen Dowd and Max Mutchnick see a certain "tone" in the Supreme Court's use of the term "homosexual" rather than "gay":

Mr. Mutchnick’s comparison of the word “homosexual” with “Negro” gives the game away: Just as everything any conservative says about anything is racist, so now it will also be homophobic. It will not be enough to be clinically neutral (“homosexual”) on the subject — or tolerant, bored, mildly amused, utterly indifferent. 

And who is really trying to shove an agenda down everybody else's throats?

What’s that? I’m “scaremongering”? Well, it’s now routine in Canada, where Catholic schools in Ontario are obligated by law to set up Gay-Straight Alliance groups, where a Knights of Columbus hall in British Columbia was forced to pay compensation for declining a lesbian wedding reception, and where the Reverend Stephen Boisson wrote to his local paper objecting to various aspects of “the homosexual agenda” and was given a lifetime speech ban by the Alberta “Human Rights” Tribunal ordering him never to utter anything “disparaging” about homosexuals ever again, even in private.

As they say, read the whole thing.


  1. I too am fed-up with being pushed around by the approximate 5% in this country who are homosexual and the mobs that support their idiocy and worse.

  2. I got to thinking about this - and I may expand it into a full blog post. There are so many professions - interior design, hairstyling, restaurant development - where gay guys are known by everybody to really shine. If I needed any of those services, I'd be inclined to seek out someone from that demographic, but not if the person would be getting in my face with some kind of militancy.
