Friday, October 26, 2012

We'd been wondering when he was going to chime in

CIA chief Petraeus says his agency isn't culpable in the Benghazi disaster.

The truth is breathing down the Most Equal Comrade's neck.


  1. You know, if you put every "incident" in Bush's Wars under such scrutiny, you would find fault and blame, and if every friend or relative of the deceased screamed for justice, well, what if? Sure there were fuck-ups. And there are gonna be more, many more, just wait until (not) your Mittie gets rollin' with his "peace through strength" stuff. You think we don't see and hear Rummie and Bolton are back (just heard Rummie the other night on an AM talk show) and Cheney never really left? Despite his soft-pedaling it in the 3rd debate, Romney is a hawk and is surrounding himself with hawks, so here we go round and round. You thought Nam was bad? I know, I know, diplomacy is for sprout (and butt and carpet) munchers...

  2. Diplomacy only works when dealing with actors who share your overarching desire for peace, democracy and prosperity.

  3. OK, on to peace through that euphemism for war referred to as strenght, same as it ever was. Here's to all our fighting men and women, may you kill more than are killed and may you come back unscathed physically and psychologically, fat chance, so warn your parents and ask them not to cry in public...
