Thursday, October 18, 2012

Sink, Comrade sink!

Increase to seven-point lead for Mitt in Gallup poll.  Up by two in Rasmussen.

Hurt him bad, Mitt.


  1. I happened to hear Rush a week or so ago gloating over how the Bush election in 2000 was a mandate for change from the immorality of Bill Clinton and all that he stood for. Some mandate, Gore won the popular vote any way you cut it. You will still have far less than a mandate for whatever version of change that works Romney brings into the equation. It has been a close call, very close call ever since I know you think you're right and God is so with you, but being an unreasonable whatever the opposite of gentleperson is is simply not going to work, mark my words.

  2. The American people, when pressed by circumstances to really examine what they value, always realize once again that they love freedom and hate tyranny. And they won't stand for decline.

  3. That is as much bs as what Rush said. Did you know my wife and I are voting for Romney too? We will probably like what he does, short of engaging us in a World War, more than you do.

  4. I am voting for Pence too, but not Mourlock.

  5. Won't stand for decline, eh? Well, that is true, and is why, essentially, the Bush policies, his and his premptors' wars, and chiefly the fall, not the decline of the economy during his terms, caused more people to vote against any semblance of a continuation of his policies with the McCain administration. The popular vote, not the electoral vote is the true tally of an election. A sad aside though is that less than half the population is registered to vote and less than half of registered voters vote. I am not the smartest bulb in the statistics arena but how can you extrapolate what the American people think from that? For all we know those unregistered voters might think we are all full of shit, which might be closer to the actual truth than anything.

    Obama : 64,639,738 Gore: 50,999,897
    McCain: 56,899,510 Bush: 50,465,002

  6. What I gather is that you are slowly coming around to your David Mamet / Artur Davis moment.

  7. No more than you are coming around to your Romney moment.b I hate that Cheney is gonna be owed and he is gonna do Netanyazhus bidding.
