Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Let's be clear about what's really going on here

Did Richard Mourdock clumsily address the pregnancy-resulting-from-rape issue much as Todd Akin did a while back?

Of course.

But the bottom line is that the sector of our society waging a war against Christianity instantly saw a delicious opportunity to advance its cause.

There is no doubt that a soul gains a body the moment a sperm fertilizes an egg.  Christians believe that that it a sacred occurrence, regardless of the circumstances.  That's all Mourdock was trying to get across.  But the forces trying to turn our civilization into something unprecedentedly grotesque will pounce on any indication of vulnerability on the part of those trying to defend what we have been for ten thousand years.

That's why this is a war.


  1. No, despite his gaff many moderate reasonable gentlepersons hate him for what he said about Lugar's supposed betrayal. Paint us as you will but this loser ain't going nowhere because of that. Bye bye...

  2. Lugar betrayed human freedom and American greatness repeatedly.

  3. You will soon find out how many voters do not agree with you and Mourdoch and blame Mourdoch and those relatively few voters who voted him in as candidate for the loss of who they perceive as a great statesman from our state. I.e., we will be seating a Dem come Jan. But you seem inclined to call us anti-Christian. Fairly typical of your ilk.

  4. I didn't know you were cool with abortion.

  5. I am not nor are the parents of my 5 grandchildren, one of whom is currently 6 mos. post-zygote. I didn't know that proof of the existence of the soul had been promulgated, much less when it enters the body. At any rate, Roe v Wade has been the law of the land for 40 years now.
