Friday, October 12, 2012

Cunning, cynical, ambitious sort that the H-word Creature is, she had to see this coming

One of the defining characteristics of the Left is its cavalier willingness to eat its own.  Of course, Stalin's show trials of the late 30s, or Saddam Hussein's famous 1981 cigar-smoke-enveloped "It-saddens-me-to-have-to-do-this" name-naming address to the Iraqi parliament, during which several crying and shaking legislators were hauled out and shot, are two of the most glaring examples.

Here in the People's Republic of Obamica, the inner circle has no qualms about the public being witness to Joe Biden and Jay Carney knowingly damaging the H-Word Creature's 2016 shot at a presidential run. There's a much higher priority CYA project to attend to. 

It was the State Department's failure to keep the White House up to speed that led to the regime's non-response to the Benghazi attack, don't you see.

But, even that doesn't explain Susan Rice's meme on those Sunday shows.  Unless that was the result of an unusual line of authority.

In any case, we can see how highly the inner circle values the wife of the guy who gave the FHer convention some kind of focus beyond contraceptives.  And that guy is a bit of a hothead. He doesn't take too kindly to being used politically.

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