Thursday, October 4, 2012

Now, that's what we've been looking for

Incredible debate performance.  Polls by CBS and CNN show that Mitt looked much more like a suitable leader for a superpower.  Even Chris Matthews, Bill Maher and Peter Beinart conceded that the Most Equal Comrade got his clock cleaned.

Has me licking my chops for the foreign-policy debate.  I think Mitt now understands that he is surrounded by low-hanging fruit.


  1. Yep. Who will likely be his secys of defense and state? McCain was here in tallahassee yesterday. Cheney will be a strong behind the scenes presence. Bolton? Gives me the willies but sure glad you are licking your chops.may victory be yours if not ours.

  2. Through all the years of our exchanges, sometimes jolly, sometimes rancorous, I have sensed a tone of detachment, as if you are watching some parade of folly that really doesn't impact you much. It leaves me constantly curious as to what is precious and worth defending in your worldview.

  3. All I was saying was give peace a chance. Yes, I left Debate I an hour and ten minutes into it to go to bed. Obama looked just like everybody else agrees he looked, wan, distracted, lacking in a certain energy, whilst the vibrant Mitt won the day with his version of hope and change that works. I think they're both full of crap and cant' back what they're saying. I see a return to what we ran from 4 years ago. Oh, I care. I care about peace, but, as you say, that's the exception, rather than the rule throughout history. Problem is, it's all gonna blow soon, I think and the first casualty of war is truth. I am also bereft of Democrats to look up to. But I never have and likely never will buy the Republican line on foreign policy. Exit statecraft, enter more aircraft. Bombs Away!
