Sunday, October 13, 2019

The grim results of our abandonment of our allies is already underway

It was one of those Twitter posts that one can't unsee. Independent Kurdish journalist Botin Kurdistani juxtaposed photos of Future Syria party secretary-general and university professor Hervin Khalaf in her business attire, smiling and exuding confidence, with a shot of her after she had been dragged from her car on the M4 highway, raped, tortured and stoned to death.

The Future Syria party stands for a pluralistic vision for that country.

Youssef Hammoud, spokesperson for the group of Syrian rebels backed by Turkey, says his group has not advanced far enough to be able to be responsible for her murder, but it's hard to ascribe plausibility to his claim, given that nine others have been killed along that road since the Turkish offensive began.

Oh, and this morning, hundreds of ISIS supporters fled a Kurdish-run prisoner camp:

Hundreds of relatives of Islamic State fighters fled a Kurdish-run detention camp on Sunday morning after Turkish airstrikes hit the surrounding area, deepening the crisis prompted by the Turkish-led invasion of northern Syria.
The escapes came hours before the United States military said it would withdraw its remaining troops from northern Syria in the coming weeks, despite a likely resurgence of the Islamic State amid chaotic efforts by Turkish-led troops to wrest the region from Kurdish control.
A Kurdish official also said that the flag of the Islamic State, also known as ISIS, had been raised in the countryside between the camp in the Kurdish-held town of Ain Issa and the Turkish border, another indication of how the Kurdish authorities were losing control of a region they had freed from the extremists only months ago.
This is no time to muddy the waters with mention of other issues. There must be no introduction of whataboutism here. Save discussions about the media, the "deep state," Adam Schiff and the Biden family for when that's the matter at hand.

The rudderlessness with which Donald Trump conducts foreign policy is what has led to this. This isn't a minor oopsie, as easy to clean up as a kitchen-floor spill. A new round of jihadist machinations, as well as shifts in world-stage power dynamics, has been catalyzed.

This, along with the demonstrated futility of the summits with Kim, gives the lie to the idea that Trump has some kind of strategic prowess. He's completely out of his league when it comes to overseeing America's relations with the world stage's various players.

And the price gets paid in real time now.

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