Friday, October 11, 2019

Just another night in post-America

At a townhall hosted by CNN to explore how various Freedom-Hater presidential candidates weigh in on the panoply of concerns of the 3 percent of the post-American population that has some kind of unusual sex life, there was a lot of preening, but Beto O'Rourke's call for churches and faith-based charities and schools to lose their tax-exempt status if they don't  - well, renounce sound Christian doctrine was the real indicator of where the Overton window has shifted.

As is often the case nowadays when leftists gather with the purpose of indulging in identity-politics preening, there was an eat-their-own moment when protestors disrupted the proceedings to demand that justice or something be done for "trans women of color."

Meanwhile, in Minneapolis, the Very Stable Genius further coarsened the national discourse and sullied the stature of his office by saying that Joe Biden was only a good Vice President because "he knew how to kiss Barack Obama's ass."

Outside the Target Center, where the VSG held his rally, Antifa-type goons stole the MAGA hats off Trump supporters heads and made a bonfire with them. They threw piss at rally attendees, too.

Not sure what the nation's conservatives were doing last night. They didn't hold any big gatherings or protests thereof. I suppose they were helping their kids with homework, or pursuing their hobbies, or attending Bible study. Making something wonderful for dinner. Walking the dog.

The rabid hordes wouldn't have been interested in anything they'd have to say, anyway.


  1. In order to understand the Republican Party today, you have to understand religion. Donald Trump may be the most unreligious president ever — an undisciplined force of corrosive evil. And yet he tweets comparisons to himself as the Messiah and bullies his way around the world with the blind support of white evangelical Christians.

    But the one religious faith that is the most heavily Republican is also somewhat disgusted with Trump. Barely half the members of the American-grown Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints approve of his presidency.

    And therein lies the best chance, though it’s very much a long shot, to remove Trump from office. Wait! Mormons — forged from a polygamous theocracy in the Rocky Mountain West, tainted by decades of institutional racism and still very much opposed to marriage equality — to the rescue of the Republic? Maybe.

  2. "The rot among the collaterally rotten is already deep. White evangelicals — having looked the other way while the Stable Genius, showing his “great and unmatched wisdom,” put kids in cages, praised neo-Nazis, sucked up to murderous dictators and betrayed our beleaguered allies the Kurds — are gone, lost to the dark side.

    Most despicable of all, the Dallas pastor Robert Jeffress has suggested that impeaching Trump could cause a “Civil War-like fracture” in the country. Jeffress has also said terrible things about Jews, Mormons and Catholics — the kind of hate talk that has not kept him from being one of Trump’s closest evangelical advisers."Ibid

  3. And all Dems would have to do to win politically big-time would be to not be perverted, totalitarian and God-hating, but it's clear they can't pull that off.

  4. The author of this piece greatly erodes his credibility with the cavalier use of the term "marriage equality." We all know what he means, and it's impossible by definition.

    He is spot-on about Jeffress, though.

  5. Attending Bible Study can be a frightening prospect these days.
