Wednesday, December 6, 2017

The Jerusalem announcement: a no-brainer

I'm going to quote at considerable length from David Harsanyi's piece at The Federalist about this, because it says all that needs to be said about it:

Later today Donald Trump is expected to make a largely symbolic but important gesture, recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel — not as an international capital or shared capital or capital in flux or as any of the other fantasies anti-Israel types have harbored since 1967. The most consequential long-term benefit of the move is that it begins to undercut a myth that’s stood for years.
Palestinian leadership might have deluded their own people for decades, but there is no conceivable peace deal that includes a truly divided Jerusalem. Like the Right of Return, the notion that a part of Jerusalem proper will be handed over to an antagonistic government, much less the remnants of the PLO and their on-and-off political partners Hamas, is a fantasy. This is not a radical Likud position, it’s one of the few issues that all major political parties, left and right, agree on in Israel.
Jerusalem, after all, is not some concocted modern capital. The place itself is the affirmation of the Jewish claim on Israel. Consequently, the coming protests over Trump’s move are not merely about a city, they are about challenging the right of Israel to exist — a self-destructive position that most Palestinians still embrace. This isn’t new. There has been a destructive effort within the Muslim world — although it has been taken up by others, including the United Nations — to deny the religious and historic connection between the city and the Jews. Moving the embassy, even if it entails nothing more than hanging a sign on a new building, is a pushback against attack on an ally.

That is, if you still view Israel as a close ally. Most do. Over the past 30 years, in fact, politicians keep telling voters that an undivided Jerusalem is the capital of Israel then doing nothing about it once they’re elected — and not some of them, but virtually all of them.
And the money's already there for the move. In 1995, Congress passed, and President Clinton signed, the the Jerusalem Embassy Act.

None of this is to say Trump is some kind of visionary or hero for the announcement. He's merely following through on what nearly all US presidents and legislators have stated as their position for decades.


  1. So what about all the water over the dam for 22 years? Why now? Hope it fosters world peace and progress. I personally hate war and if the Jews cause one, well, I'm not gonna like them either. And no, Indont like terrorists. Terrorism led to the re- establishment of the Jewish state. Plenty of our tax dollars go to Israel and yet they're often quick to cry foul. perhaps we should allow re-establishment of some ancient Native American capitals here as well.

  2. Anyhow, it's showtime today for Big Bully the Mouth. He gets off on this, unifier that he claimed to be. Nettie and his Zmen should be floating too. The Pope--I'm with him on this.

  3. You don't have to worry about Jews starting a war. The modern state of Israel has never started one.

  4. I will worry as the Pope worries. He says Jerusalem is the capital for all of the Big 3 faiths and he is very worried what this bully will start. Damn Trump to hell! I'm sure Stephen Miller will craft some words for him to bellow that will blow your socks off.

  5. You'll find out how many In the world for peace are deeply concerned. Ahh, but we're only spineless cattle to your ilk.

  6. The coming protests over Trump’s "symbolic" (that's what bullies do, they symbolically invoke controversy and incite unrest) move are not about challenging the right of Israel to exist. Many who will be protesting affirm all religions' and all peoples' right to exist. A vile and shameful world leader who is hated around the globe will be running his asshole of a pie hole today. Makes me sick!

  7. Does any other nation in the world share its capital with an entity that is not even an actual nation-state?

  8. Why this expectation that Israel should be expected to agree to such a status?

  9. Why this expectation that Israel should be expected to agree to such a status?

  10. Il Papa claims Jtown is the capital for all religions and that's my take too unless he's the anti Christ rather than the Vicar of.

  11. He’s mistaken about more things than any Pope in memory

  12. Just to the clueless right. Many many many worldwide are fully with him and his ecumenical aims, finally implementing the reforms blocked for over half a century by the right. Reforms that had been decided upon in a rare global conference of cardinals and bishops that lasted years. And if you get your news on this front from Russ Douthit, the convert, you don't know squat about it all.

    Outrage -

    The announcement leaves many angry US allies and leaders across the Middle East trying to find a measured response and hoping that the tinderbox region is not destined for yet another round of bloodletting.

    Pope Francis joined a list of leaders warning of an historic misstep that could trigger a surge of violence.

    "I cannot silence my deep concern over the situation that has emerged in recent days," the pontiff said Wednesday, one day after speaking by phone with Palestinian president Mahmud Abbas.

    The pontiff added that maintaining Jerusalem's status quo was important "in order to avoid adding new elements of tension to an already volatile world that is wracked by so many cruel conflicts."

    In a frantic series of calls, the leaders of Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Jordan, the European Union, France, Germany and Turkey also warned Trump against the move.

    - Three 'days of rage' - in the Arab countries.

    Smooth move, Donnie, I see Millah ripped former prexies again for you in your speech. "Some say they lacked courage...." You slimeball wimp!

  13. Big Donnie Dick Weasel says hold on, his boy Jared's peace plans are still on the table. Must be part of the grand plan for the greatest and most courageous freely elected world leader eva un all the land and throughout all human history!!!!!

  14. The State Department issued a "worldwide caution" for U.S. citizens, which a longtime AP diplomatic correspondent said was the first time one was issued "because of a U.S. policy decision" since the beginning of the Iraq war in 2003.

  15. Worldwide caution, that's what US citizens want! Thank you Donnie! You're so courageous. Why are some people worrying about your slurred words as you recited the young Jew from Santa Monica's words?

  16. This was the headline in the Jerusalem Times last Dec.16: Trump Picks Another Firebrand in Jewish Top Advisor Stephen Miller

  17. Of course that is to be expected from the enemy. Looks like the entire globe is shaking out to be or become our enemy. Is this American exceptionalism? It threatens the entire world order and certainly the rest of the world's perception of us. And you continually cried that Obama was wrecking our brand.

  18. The Pope and all who take his position are wrong.

    What a stupid generalization: "Looks like the entire globe is shaking out to be or become our enemy. " The list is actually fairly short: North Korea, Iran, Syria, Venezuela, Cuba, and the jihadist network. And then we have two big adversaries: China and Russia. We extend good will and the presumption of good relations to pretty much everybody else.

  19. England and France and the UN have spoken out so far too. Couldn't have happened under a worse President. You called it a no brainer. Do you really think most Americans are on board with this boob's foreign policy?

  20. Who's praising it throughout the globe? Is Donnie correct that it may not spell doom for Lil Jared's peace efforts in that region. You fundies slay me.

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. You and Trump are wrong bloggie. Battle lines drawn.

  23. Looks like only Hungary has blocked a joint European statement condemning Trump's action. How many countries is that, you ask? 27.

  24. Closer to home, here in the general hood, Trudeau is buying that it's more a move by a no-brainer than a no-brainer.

  25. Maybe Mexico's on board with this no-brainer. What is your intelligence telling you?

  26. Jerusalem is the eternal capital of Israel. God says so.

  27. Well is that a backtrack from calling me stupid? I'll take my cues in that arena, not only from the current Pope, but all preceding him.

  28. Bloggie, you got an MS in history. Does God always win in the thousands of religious wars on this our only known planet in the solar system with human life? When is enough enough when the next world war will likely end life as we know it on this blue planet? In some ways this is a continuation of WW II with the Hebrew bitterness still burning hot enough to catch the world on fire. And we got an all about him egotist leading the fire (and fury) brigade with that funny suitcase. Agnus Dei, dona nobis pacem...

  29. As for the Pope you attempt to marginalize, I can understand you think him evil because of his writings on global warming, mere humanity can view ideas opposed to theirs, in their spiritual myopia *it's only natural) but we all know something's happening here, we just don't know what it is, but the only real beef those within the fold can find with the humble and merciful pope is his stand on the reception of the Eucharist for divorced/remarried Catholic.

    Plus, his numbers blow the blowhard Trump out of the water: "Pope Francis remains popular among about seven in 10 Americans overall and about nine in 10 U.S. Catholics, according to surveys this year." I trust you'll fall back on the ole "many are chosen, but few are called" line here, placing yourself in the category of called. Please let me wonder...

  30. Popularity never tells us about whether truth is prevailing.

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. Perhaps you can sell enough cannon fodder on the idea that Hos truth goes marching on in this matter. The jihadiats seem to be able to do this.

  33. Hey Bloggie, if this is such a great idea, why aren't all our rowdy friends gettin' on the next train to Jtown for their new Israeli embassy there. Trump needs to run the art of the deal on all of them, huh?

    “The Australian government remains committed and optimistic that the way to achieve enduring peace between the Israelis and Palestinians is a negotiated two-state solution.”

  34. Typical Donnie Dumbass, now he sends his ambassador to the UN to ream them out for their criticism of his no-brainer. But we know he's the smahtest in the world.

  35. The above article refers to the broad global opposition to the move. What'd you expect, brainiacs?

  36. In the interests of brevity, please tell what country on the globe endorses the mouth's no-brainer.

    The muffled protest in Cairo stood in contrast to the outpouring of condemnation of Trump’s move by Middle Eastern governments. Even among the conservative leaders of Arab allies who welcomed Trump’s rise to power, the chorus of criticism was unanimous. Egyptian President Abdel-Fattah al-Sisi told Trump of Egypt’s “unwavering” support for keeping the status quo in Jerusalem. The United Arab Emirates voiced “regret and condemnation.” Saudi Arabia expressed “great disappointment.” Iraq summoned the U.S. ambassador to Baghdad. The Arab League scheduled urgent meetings to discuss Jerusalem.

    Officials in the region said Trump’s decision ended any pretense that the United States could be an evenhanded broker in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

    You claim to detest the man, but bloggie you love his ways

  37. President Trump tore up the diplomatic rulebook when he announced the US would regard Jerusalem as Israel's capital. Israel loved it; most of the US's other allies didn't.

  38. 5 million max in Israel loved it. Try a little man on the street game with peeps today, ask them what percentage of the world is Jewish. Very few will answer 0.2 per cent, but 1 per cent will be considered a correct response. Many will say 25 per cent and upwards. How many of these jews even believe in God? Less than half, unless that god is Mammon. The no brainer is that Israel is outnumbered and the US is too with their no-brainer from their no-brained egotistical Prexy. Bloggie claims numbers don't make it right, but numbers got this nut elected and numbers are not gonna brook this no brainer. That's democracy, our beacon to the world. Throughout history, you might add. With such exceptionalism, how can the world be so dumb? Whicch is what you called me here.

  39. What he's done is started WWIII which I hear is cool with the fundies who dig him so. Democracy is in the numbers, bloggie, and wrecking long standing diplomatic efforts is basically declaring war. The world looks on with almost unanimous disfavor.

  40. Other kingdoms and peoples inhabited "Palestine" before, during and after the period of Jewish rule, the actual period of Jewish rule amounts to maybe 200 years out of say, 7000 years of history. Zionists may point at King David of biblical fame, but archeological evidence says that even if King David existed, his kingdom was more like a chiefdom, not at all resembling the glorious exaggeration reported in the bible, and he would not have been considered Jewish as he wasn't a monotheist.

  41. One of the sources for the above garbage is Illab Pappe. The New Republic, no conservative organ, wealth with him in a 2011 piece:

    "Pappe is a retroactive poseur. But by the middle or late 1990s, after getting tenure, Pappe did shift gears into a full-blown radicalism, political and historiographical. By then he was advocating Israel’s elimination and the establishment in the territory of Mandatory Palestine of one state, consisting of Jews and Arabs. That it would have an Arab majority and, if democratic, be ruled by Arabs was to be assured by a mass return of Arab refugees, which Pappe also advocated, and still advocates. One of his books is dedicated to his two children, whom he hopes will live in a better “Palestine.” In Out of the Frame, Pappe defines Zionism as “a racist and quite evil philosophy of morality and life.” The language is fully as virulent as Hamas’s, or worse."

    He was a friend of Edward Said.

    Quigley's Case for Palestine is predicated on the notion that what has been going on since around 2000 is a "cycle of violence," as if Israel is equally culpable as those who staged suicide bombings in pizza parlors and at bus stations, who fired rockets into Israel from both the southern and northern borders, staged kidnappings, and walked away from multiple offers of a two-state solution.

    This is what I mean by toxic and vile. Every person you ever quote - these guys, Said, Walt and Mearsheimer, Carter - is a Jew-hate3r who thinks Israel is some kind of guilty party just for existing.

    This is reprehensible shit and must be called out as such wherever it appears.

  42. After Trump announced U.S. recognition of Jerusalem as Israel's capital, and ordered the State Department to start making plans to move the U.S. Embassy there from Tel Aviv, a White House official told The Los Angeles Times that Tillerson argued against such a move during discussions at the White House.

    Tillerson was said to have argued that he agreed in principle that Jerusalem was Israel's capital. But he said making that pronouncement, which ran counter to decades of U.S. policy and international consensus, deprived Washington of its ability to serve as an honest broker in peace negotiations in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

  43. What about all Popes being neutral since the establishment of the Zionist state? What about Benedict, the liberal devil Francis' predecessor (still living) favoring a 2 state solution? To you, all of Europe (except Hungary), Canada, Australia, Rex Tillerson and Gen. Mattis, are despicable, equated with dog vomit?

  44. Frigging heap of big pile of BS that those commentators are all who I ever quote. I quoted them twice that I know of and did not even know I was quoting them. The whole world obviously is not a Zionist Christian Conservative. Simple as that, bloggie. Simple as that.
