Saturday, December 23, 2017

Russia: still just an adversary, but not too far from actual enemy status

This ought to make us all sit up and pay attention:

The commandant of the Marine Corps, Gen. Robert Neller, told troops Thursday that "there's a war coming" and urged them to be prepared.
"I hope I'm wrong, but there's a war coming," Neller told Marines stationed in Norway, during a visit there, according to "You're in a fight here, an informational fight, a political fight, by your presence," he added. 
The commandant pointed to Russia and the Pacific theater as the next major areas of conflict, predicting a "big-ass fight" in the future. 
"Just remember why you're here," he said. "They're watching. Just like you watch them, they watch you. We've got 300 Marines up here; we could go from 300 to 3,000 overnight. We could raise the bar."
Neller's visit comes amid tensions between Russia and NATO allies. Russia warned neighboring Norway that the presence of American troops could hurt relations, after Norway decision to host a new unit of U.S. soldiers through the end of 2018. 
Particularly when considered in conjunction with this:

In what must come as a terrible shock to liberals who believe that President Trump is Russian President Putin's puppet, the American president has approved a plan to send antitank missiles to Ukraine, thereby ensuring a "new phase" in the conflict between that country and Ukraine.
The decision to send Javelin antitank missiles, the Wall Street Journal reports, "places Washington closer to the conflict in eastern Ukraine. Although Ukrainian government officials have long sought these missiles, the U.S. refused to do give in to the pressure fearing doing so would escalate the conflict."

A few thoughts:

  • This all once again confirms that Trump is winging it. While Trump foreign policy is generally playing out in terms that provide a welcome relief to the appeasement and "leading from behind" policy of the previous administration, we have to wait until a move is made to discern some general direction. In other words, so much for the tweets a while back about how much the US and Russia have to work on together. (Has anybody heard about Russia being a major player in the final dismantling of the ISIS caliphate?) We can't tell anything from Trump's bloviating. 
  • That said, he has an instinct for surrounding himself with people of consistent vision.
  • Unresolved world-stage problems do not just go away by themselves. Just because Russian threats to Ukrainian security have not been on the front burner for a while does not mean they ceased to exist.
  • The other big nation that has adversary status from a US standpoint is, of course, China. What constitutes adversary status in 2017 is superficially civil behavior on leaders' parts at international gatherings, but clear signals in all other ways that the nation in question cares not a whit about cooperation on anything vital to US interests.
  • The collusion meme looks sillier all the time - unless one is talking about collusion involving the Clinton machine, certain problematic elements in the FBI, the DoJ, the CIA and the NSA, and certain problematic elements within the Russian power structure.


  1. Nothing like back to the 5Os again, huh? Is that when America was great then?

  2. Yeah, the roughly fifty years between about 1920 and 1970 was peak greatness for what is now post-America.

  3. Proliferate! Nothin betta for the economy.

  4. I am not sure it's a General's place to be popping off about a war before it starts but I suppose you have some sort of moral judgment on it as I do. Time to pop Chynnnaaa. Protect the chosen ones and the country God himself gave them, such a particular God. And of course our old nemesis Russia, the ones we couldn't have won WW II without. And then there's those wars within. The winner in all this? Ask Ike. And if he isn't saying, read his speeches.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. But that's really sumthin' poundin' the drums of war within 1 year of Trump's election. Forget the namby pamby wus types. Let's roll Marines!

  7. It's not really a conventional war, it's gonna be big ass though! Whew, scared me there, I thought this might mean Armageddon. Never mind, pull up a seat, pay attention and play along at home.

  8. I think bracing his troops for what they may well have to deal with is exactly what responsible leadership is all about.

  9. I think the big gen. was out of line. But you might rise to a big ass fight. It will make for great television. Go Gennie Go!

  10. Of more than incidental, if not collateral concern is the civilian kill in a big ass fight. But I understand that's what big ass fighters live for. Until the pussies succumb to PTS. Why no D? Because as one former marine told me, it's not a disorder.

  11. That's why it behooves us all to be thinking of ways to walk this situation - and the ones concerning North Korea and Iran - back from the precipice.
