Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Pray for Jack Phillips

As you know, he gets his day in court - as in SCOTUS - today.

This one's huge. On the legal level, it's about freedom. On the cultural level, it's about post-America thrusting up yet another middle finger to God.

He has the best in the business, the Alliance Defending Freedom, representing him.

As anyone being honest with himself or herself knows, the free market handles these situations elegantly, with a win-win for all parties involved. The Christian baker says to the same-sex couple, "I'm sorry, I can't provide this particular kind of cake for you." The couple goes down the street to a baker perfectly willing to provide it, and everyone's happy.

Any attempt to make Phillips bake a same-sex "wedding" cake is sinister in the extreme. If a citizen can't conduct business in accordance with God's law in this country, it truly is post-America.

So pray hard, but remember, even if SCOTUS reaches a decision that plunges us further into darkness, Jesus is still Lord and King.


  1. Jesus might forgive Jack Phillips, but you know he often came down hard on judgmentalism, Oh well, pray that your prayers will be heard. Praise Jesus either way. Maybe he wants us to be plunged into darkness to fulfill his Father's plan. I know you're saved though, good thing.

  2. Yes, so is (insert one of yours here)

  3. My God is the Lord of love, mercy and forgiveness. And we'll find out if this is allowed under our current law. Regardless, there are other ways to judge and condemn our fellow sinners. Carry on.

  4. The decision will either glorify God or further plunge our nation into darkness.

  5. The decision will rule on the constitutionality of the legislation involved.
