Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Memo to Senate Pubs: back away from this poisonous EEOC renomination while there's still time

J. Christian Adams at PJ Media tells the eye-opening tale of how a nature-denying, civilization-wrecking agent of toxicity insinuated herself into an influential government agency, and how Republicans on the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee are asleep at the wheel as the opportunity to remove her arises:

In 2010, conservative powerhouses like the Family Research Council, American Family Association, Liberty Counsel, and Traditional Values Coalition vigorously opposed the nomination of Chai Feldblum to a seat on the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. Their opposition to Feldblum in 2010 was based on the belief -- later proven correct -- that Feldblum would use her perch to radicalize conceptions of family, gender, and who should be in which bathroom.
So what about in 2017?
Feldblum has been renominated for an EEOC slot as part of a package deal, and those who know Feldblum best are saying that Republicans have been hoodwinked into renominating her.
Some Republicans, apparently including some inside the White House, think it’s fine to put an activist radical on the EEOC in order to get two more Republicans confirmed to the EEOC.
But Feldblum is no ordinary radical. As one lawyer familiar with EEOC practice tells me, “she’s worth three Republicans” because of her radicalism and willingness to fight to transform notions of gender, family, and life.
Paul Mirengoff aptly points out at Powerline:
It seems obvious that getting a GOP majority on the EEOC a couple of months early is not worth five more years of Chai Feldblum, plus the likelihood that she will become Chair of the Commission if Democrats win the presidency in 2020. It’s not even close.
So who is Chai Feldblum, and how did we arrive at a point where an activist left-wing radical was appointed by the president for a commission that has the power to interfere with small businesses' freedom?
Feldblum is the ideological architect of all of the most radical LGBTWHATEVER agenda items of the Obama presidency: transvestites in girls locker rooms, lawless expansion of federal employment oversight, you name it.
So why would Feldblum be renominated?
There is backstory on Feldblum that hasn’t been fully reported. All of the normal clearance and vetting procedures usually used for Senate-confirmed nominees were short-circuited. Her nomination was rushed through the Senate HELP Committee. Feldblum even bragged to some that her goal was to trick Republicans before they knew what was happening.
The goal was to get Feldblum’s nomination in front of the Senate as fast as possible. Why would Republicans play along?
Three main reasons. One is cluelessness:

The answer: To get the EEOC nominations of Republicans Janet Dhillion and Daniel Gade confirmed, which highlights a curious connection in this saga we will revisit in a moment.
Getting Dhillon and Gade confirmed were seen as the most important goals. Keeping a radical activist off the commission -- one who has bent concepts of gender and was the author of the most extreme transgender policies of the Obama era -- was not considered to be as important as getting Dhillon and Gade on the Commission.
So many of President Trump’s supporters ask me how something like this can happen. Let’s try to decode it.
First, ideological illiteracy is to blame. Too many Beltway insiders are illiterate when it comes to the radicalism of the Left, and in this case the radicalism of Feldblum. They don’t understand the zealous creative destruction that animates activists like Feldblum. They think two Republicans beat one Democrat. Paper covers rock. They don’t understand that radicals like Feldblum are soldiers in the "fundamental transformation" that was part of the Obama age. 
Some with knowledge tell me a young, inexperienced staffer was almost entirely responsible for cooking up the Feldblum bargain. The staffer was more interested in getting Dhillon and Gade confirmed and couldn’t be worried about keeping the transgender/gay radical agenda of the Obama administration alive at the EEOC. More perhaps on that another day. For now, it’s not too late for the Senate to demand a better dish, one that doesn’t feature Feldblum. There are plenty of other Democrats out there who aren’t radical change agents. Go find one.
The  second is the desire to try to get a seat at what they perceive as the cool kids' table:

Second, too many Republicans are still afraid of what Chuck Schumer and National Public Radio think. 

Also, they have residual symptoms of Reasonable Gentleman Syndrome. They have not fully considered how ugly someone like Feldblum can get in the pursuit of the obliteration of recognition of how nature is designed.

Third, they don’t understand how a vocal Leftist in the minority on the EEOC can drive the entire agenda of the EEOC, especially one with so many connections at the New York Times and NPR. Passive majorities afraid of ideological brawls can’t beat a streetfighter.
She's been in a position to do damage more than long enough. Time for an entirely different way of viewing this situation.

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