Friday, December 1, 2017

The GOP tax bill in its current form: still not simple enough for LITD, but far more consideration-worthy than the NYT wants you to believe

There are a lot of good things in it: the Rubio-Lee child tax credit, reduction of the corporate tax rate, removing federal-level subsidy of high state-level income tax.

But it's still awfully arcane. And that's because no one in Washington has the spine to take an approach driven by basic prioritization of freedom. The starting premise ought to be that every penny of an American citizen's money is his or hers, and that government at any level ought to have to puke all over itself to justify forcibly taking any of it.

(There's going to be a certain kind of reader who, at this point, is going to be saying, "You sound like a wild-eyed libertarian." My rejoinder is that libertarians are actually spot on when it comes to the matter of taxation. If one doesn't cling to principle as the storm gales of special interests whip and toss one about, one will fly away and never be able to find that principle again.)

But then there is the New York Times spin on the bill, as discussed by Michael Barone:

"The Republican tax bill hurtling through Congress is increasingly tilting the United States tax code to benefit wealthy Americans." That's the beginning of a 37-word first sentence in a stage-setting front-page story in The New York Times on the tax bill under consideration in the Senate this week.

It's a nice illustration of creatively phrased advocacy journalism. "Hurtling" suggests irrational, uncontrolled, threatening movement; "tilting" suggests abandoning upstanding fairness; spelling out "the United States tax code" suggests an ominous attack on a respected national institution. And all this "to benefit wealthy Americans."

This is less reportage than it is advocacy journalism, written to advance the argument, with which many people agree, that Republican tax bills are harmful because they make federal taxation less progressive. But it's also an argument against any tax cut at any time. After all, if you start off with a progressive system that imposes higher rates on high earners and doesn't tax low earners at all -- as is the case with the current federal income tax -- then every tax cut takes that shape.
Acela-Corridor pointy-heads take it as a given that the leviathan state is entitled to a given portion of a citizen's assets, a portion much higher than what is required to finance government's constitutionally-specified functions.

The Grey Lady's arrogance is once again on full display.


  1. Just when I crack six figures here they come to fuck me over.

  2. You should be mad. That money is yours

  3. Precisely. Your anger is vey appropriately directed.

  4. And an extremely close call, as usual since Bush Gore pretty much.

  5. 51 to 49 and that beaming look like the Dems has when they screwed us on ACA

  6. I pretty much know what you will say, but The latest Republican tax bill is not just an unprecedented transfer of wealth from the bottom to the very top, but a fundamental restructuring of American society, from public education and health care to the separation of church and state. According to Quinnipiac, just 25 percent of the public approves of the legislation, yet it's expected to pass as early as Friday.

  7. Oh, come on. You're not really going to cite Paul Krugman as a credible source of anything, are you?

    But just for the sake of according him the respect of looking at what he mentions in the quote you've provided,

    re: restructuring public education: Yay! About damn time!
    Ditto health care and "separation of church and state."

    Here's another example of where you've very politically confused. Conservatives don't like this bill either. It's a mess, and, as you point out, it was passed "A"CA-style, rammed through with no one actually reading it in its entirety.

    It has some good things in it. I like the last-minute addition of Cruz's proposal to extend education savings accounts to families of K-12 kids that opt out of government indoctrination sewers. I like the lowered corporate tax rates. But as I said here in a post the other day, it's still way too convoluted.

    Freedom is always elegantly simple. This bill is just about the opposite of that.

  8. Yep, I new you'd damn the Nobel Prizewinning messenger. As for it being a close call with a hard shove, well, I'm not gonna damn the Grey Lady for this. I'm glad she's still around.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

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  11. Now, this is interesting, given that you bristled at my characterization of you as a leftist.
    In the past three days, you've enlisted Edward Said and Paul Krugman to substantiate your positions. What else are we to conclude?

  12. Call me anything you like bloggie. I'm a live and let live kinda guy socially. I'm for working on problems like racial unrest and believe the blacks need to be heard out on their grievances, the young should be educated, that we can fix Obamacare or come up with something even better, that taxes should be raised on the rich, that corporations are self-interested thieves, that abortion is murder and that we're gonna have to deal with the Millennials who hold few of my values sacred, but that's ok too, cause I am me, and they are them and you are you.

  13. Except for your abortion position, and your "position" that the young should be educated (does anyone argue otherwise?), all the above are leftist positions.
