Monday, June 15, 2015

Carly on Hillionaire's relaunch

Carly Fiorina is whip-smart and solidly principled.  Hillionaire is an empty pantsuit driven by pro-tyranny ideology.  This is not necessarily going to translate into the former being a formidable candidate and the latter being a flame-out, because this is not a perfect world.

But the former has the latter's number, as we can tell from an MSNBC interview this morning:

“I mean, she says wants to campaign for all Americans and then throws every Republican out there under the bus. She talked about being a champion for the middle class and then proceeds to talk about a set of energy policies that will raise energy bills for the middle class. She talked about money in politics. She’s going to raise more of that money than anyone else,” she continued.
“So, as usual, a deeply contradictory speech. But, hey, it was a good launch. It was a great rally. She had a good rally in Iowa. I guess she actually took an interview from The Des Moines Register. So, we should not underestimate her.”
Indeed we shouldn't.  On the other hand, we shouldn't tiptoe around her, and I don't look for Carly to do any of that. Now, Jeb, on the other hand . . .

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