Monday, March 10, 2014

Because we're morally compelled

Today's must-read is by Doug Mainwaring at The American Thinker.  He cogently explains why the importance of recent raft of statewide and federal controversies surrounding religious liberties is not being adequately estimated:

This battle is much bigger than anybody thinks it is.  We cannot see the forest for the trees.  We are not witnessing a clash of rights; we are in the middle of a massive social experiment.  This is a test for the viability of incremental totalitarianism.  Nothing less.
In a kind of Cloward-Piven Strategy, the assault – or "test," or however you want to identify it – is occurring on many different fronts and on many different levels simultaneously.  In addition to same-sex marriage and the health care mandate(s), we have the IRS targeting of conservative groups, constant Second Amendment attacks, voter photo ID initiatives labeled as racist by the DOJ, and state initiatives to curb abortions labeled a "War on Women."
Perhaps most chilling is the way that federalism is being undermined from within the states themselves.  State judges are now routinely overturning the expressed will of the people, acting unilaterally to impose novel viewpoints on entire state populations.
The fifty states, which are supposed to be laboratories for experimentation – conducting trial runs, so to speak – are being stripped of that function.
The beauty of America is our diversity, much of which is still reflected in the personalities of each of our states.  If the reach of the national government extends too far and we become thoroughly homogenized, we inevitably start moving toward a type of tyranny.  If the rules and the standards are exactly the same in every state, where can one go either for respite or advantage?  As the force of the national government grows, this key element of our American liberty recedes, perhaps to be lost forever.

And then he exhorts us to have the courage to resist.  It's reminiscent of the David Solway piece I wrote about yesterday.  One continues to speak and write because one cannot do otherwise.

What can each of us do?  
The only way to stop the advancement of totalitarian measures is for the grassroots of each state to bravely stand up to the bullying, silencing tactics of out-of-touch, frightened judges, legislators, corporate cronies, and media collaborators, as they lead us down a path of decreased liberty and increased totalitarianism.
Stand up for social issues that you know in your gut to be true.  Don't allow yourself to be silenced by political correctness.  Stand up for marriage.  Stand up for life.  Stand up for the right of children to be born and to have both a mom and a dad.
Stand up also for constitutionally limited government and fiscal responsibility.
You have Truth with a capital T on your side.  You are right, and they are wrong, so do not be afraid.
Don't make the mistake of remaining quiet until you are certain you have a winning argument.  That is not your responsibility, and that is what the totalitarian left is hoping you will do.  All you are responsible for is to speak truthfully and to let others know your beliefs.  We outnumber them.  We can overwhelm them with Truth, if only each of us would open our mouths and proclaim the Truth at every opportunity.
Remember: be not afraid.

I would add that one must network with others who cherish liberty and American greatness at every opportunity. There is strength in numbers, and, for the sanity of each of us, it's important to know we're not alone.


  1. Nothing new here, abortion has been the law of the land now for 41 years since Roe v. Wade. It is not the homosexually married (or civilly united) crowd that discriminates, it's a segment of the population that vilifies, nay Satanizes such unions, or some such intercourse. Since Tricky Dick's implementation and Ronnies's ramp-up, arrest and incarceration of that broadly categorized drug using segment of our population has proceeded federally (with piles of fed money going into states' law enforcement and incarceration coffers) regardless of whether the voters in certain states had awakened to another way. Things are even better on some fronts since the US military has not been able to grab post--high schoolers and throw them into some feckless fight in some foreign land against their will since 1973. Since 1964 blacks have been able to swim with whites in public pools and drink at the same water fountains, not being refused service in some public establishments. So, Mr. and Mrs. Moral Majority, Christian Right or whatever you call yoursetves these days. this is America, love it or leave it, lol, things have been getting a whole lot freer, not less so. Just live the way you want to (or your god wants you to) and let everyone else live too. I will add that abortion is clearly murder now as evidenced by our increasingly sophisticated medical technology, so killing an unborn child is not living and letting live. Unfortunately it's still a close call with public sentiment. Otherwise it would have been repealed by now. Perhaps your "camp" has turned off many more than it has inspired. Polls of milennials seem to indicate such.

  2. You see, you have been charmed by the trivial cultural distractions to the point where you don't even care about your actual freedom anymore.

  3. Let's not forget which part was behind the laws enshrining bigotry in the American south. And which party Frederick Douglass and MLK belonged to.

  4. Here's a question for you: If Roe v Wade is the "law of the land," as you assert in your first sentence, yet "clearly murder" as you assert in your last, and you're not bothered by the dissonance between the two, doesn't that make you nonchalant about the act of murder?
