Monday, March 3, 2014

WaPo spits out the Kool-Aid

An editorial - not a signed column, but an editorial representing the paper's opinion, calls the Most Equal Comrade's foreign policy a fantasy.

Regarding Secretary Global Test's characterization of Russia's invasion of Ukraine as a 19th-century move, the paper says

That’s a nice thought, and we all know what he means. A country’s standing is no longer measured in throw-weight or battalions. The world is too interconnected to break into blocs. A small country that plugs into cyberspace can deliver more prosperity to its people (think Singapore or Estonia) than a giant with natural resources and standing armies.
Unfortunately, Russian President Vladimir Putin has not received the memo on 21st-century behavior. Neither has China’s president, Xi Jinping, who is engaging in gunboat diplomacy against Japan and the weaker nations of Southeast Asia. Syrian president Bashar al-Assad is waging a very 20th-century war against his own people, sending helicopters to drop exploding barrels full of screws, nails and other shrapnel onto apartment buildings where families cower in basements. These men will not be deterred by the disapproval of their peers, the weight of world opinion or even disinvestment by Silicon Valley companies. They are concerned primarily with maintaining their holds on power. 

Generally points that have been made both by me and observers to whom I've kinked over teh last couple of days, but this is noteworthy as hell.

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