Monday, July 1, 2013

The simplistic and vulgar appeal to demographic victimhood is not carrying the day in this instance

Andrew C. McCarthy at PJ Media on why the prosecution's case in the Zimmerman trial is collapsing like a cheap card table.


  1. Agreed. Many are predicting race rioting following what should be an acquittal by the all-female, all white jury which is of course absurd but ain't that black America?

  2. The effort to restore plain sense, not to mention dignity and a love of freedom, is herculean, but there is no other task as urgent.

  3. I could sense temperatures rising during the "debate" over whether to charge Zimmerman back in late 2011, early 2012, here in Tallahassee which has a black population of around 35% of its 180,000 residents and is the home of a major black university. It is home to the largest percentage (by far) of college educated citizens (51%) in Florida. Can rioting happen here? We'll see, but I am contemplating getting out of Dodge during that time. Would rather avoid trouble than fight it, especially since I have decided to remain unarmed for the remainder of my life just like I have done for the preceding 63 years.
