Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Why the IRS needs to be dismantled pronto - today's edition

In addition to the deliberate repression it engages in, it f---s up in really unacceptable ways, such as inadvertently posting 100,000 Social Security numbers on one of its websites.


  1. Pronto? You've got to be kidding. Aint nothin' pronto about it, never gonna be anything pronto about anything in our government of laws, not men. You want pronto, go to China or somewhere wickeder than here with an authentic dictator.

  2. IF we elected a sufficient number of Representatives and Senators who, like, say, Ted Cruz, understood the urgency of getting rid of this vile strong-arm outfit, we could do it quite quickly. First step is hammer home to the American public just why it is indeed vile.

  3. Better get yourself a better spokesperson, Ted Cruz has no clue as a politician, i.e., winning friends and influencing people. Texas should secede and call itself Assholia.

  4. Time is predicting Perry will be the Republican nominee in 2016. If he is, I predict he will lose.

  5. “I act with complete certainty. But this certainty is my own.”
    ― Ludwig Wittgenstein, On Certainty
