Wednesday, July 24, 2013

What is there to say about the Most Equal Comrade's pivot-back-to-the-economy speech?

Not much, actually, beyond noting that it was a bland rehash of themes, memes and schemes he's touted throughout his foul career.  Collectivism, pouting about Pubs daring to even occasionally stand for their principles, and dismissal of his own failures.


  1. You might want to bone-up on your definitions too or give me examples of it under the Obama Administration. I presume you will begin with the bail-out of GM, since you are quite prone to hyperbole.

    Definition of collectivism (n)

    Bing Dictionary


    [ kə léktə vìzzəm ]

    1.people's ownership and management: the system of control and ownership of factories and farms and of the means of production and distribution of products by a nation's people

    Synonyms: communism, socialism, Marxism, Stalinism, Leninism, communalism, syndicalism, anarcho-syndicalism, Maoism

  2. GM bail-out would be one, FHer-care another, expansion of that Americorps hooey begun by Billy Jeff the Zipper, speeches about "you didn't build that."

    This is the short list. Early in the morning. Will have more to add later.
