Sunday, July 14, 2013

The reactions commence

Some are real humdingers:

New York Giants wide receiver Victor Cruz tweets that "George Zimmerman doesn't last a year before the hood catches up with him."

Beyonce calls for a moment of silence for Trayvon at her concert in Nashville.

NAACP calls on DoJ to pursue "civil rights charges."

Jesse Jackson says Trayvon was denied a jury of his peers because - well, do you really need LITD to spell out for you why Jesse has this view?

1 comment:

  1. His legal bills are estimated to be in the $1 Million range. Sequestration of 6 woman jury alone cost $45,000.00, which isn't bad considering what Obama's trip to Africa cost. And Trayvon's estranged parents already got $1 Mil settlement from the HOA where the "matter" occurred (a third of which at minimum goes to their lawyers). They can still sue George himself too, since he is going to be a deep pocket with all his royalties from the media. Aint that America?
