Friday, November 9, 2012

Taxation and the fiscal cliff: the lines are drawn

There's nothing surprising about this, but it does revive one's warrior spirit. The Most Equal Comrade says once again that a tax increase on the few remaining successful Americans has to be part of any deal to avert the fiscal cliff that he signs.
And Boehner and McConnell are on record in post-election statements as being adamant that that ain't gonna happen.
So, as I said the other day, we go over the fiscal clif in either scenario.  Pub leaders on the Hill adhere to their principles no matter what kind of dog vomit is hurled at them and the Freedom-Haters quit even talking about any avoidance measures.  Pub leaders get weak knees and acquiesce to this class-envy grandstanding gesture, small-business owners say, "Well, there's no uncertainty now, but now we know we're in for a confiscation-fest.  The hell with it.  We'll shrink our operations rather than expand them."
So the blackmail is on.  No, not "game of chicken."  That term has the implication of moral equivalence  to it.  This is about tyranny vs. freedom, as everything that happens in Washington and whatever we are to call this post-American country will be for the foreseeable future.

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