Friday, November 30, 2012

Today's exhibit of the advanced state of our cultural rot

The media mocking of Angus T. Jones.

Well there is actually another exhibit, discussed in the Brent Bozell column linked above: the advertising industry deliberately seeking out "bad boys" (and girls) to sell products.


  1. Yes, where are the Rat Pack now, such beacons of moral probity?

  2. And who said they were?

    And did their movies feature the kind of goings-on one sees weekly on 2 and a Half Men?

  3. Did the public - or at least a sizeable portion of it - know, as they watched those guys' squeaky-clean Christmas specials, or their Western and detective morality plays - that they were actually scoundrels? Certainly, but the cultural climate was such that the public insisted on decency in its entertainment.
