Tuesday, November 6, 2012

As the Senate is confirmed to remain Freedom-Hater and Mitt's path narrows

The principles remain true even if this country has decided to ignore them.

Western civilization is done for.


  1. The Jerusalem Post reports that 68% of Jews voted for Obama. Probably bye bye for your boy Nettie next election. I feel safer now that Rummie and Cheney and especially that academic as the best of them, Bolton, are shoved back in their corner where Bush went and they belong.

    Paul Ryan can maybe make it in 4 more years. Lotsa $$$ circulated this election. Gotta be good for some pocketbooks.

  2. And the people of this country, like the people of Israel, apparently want a national health care plan. Half the country just might strive to make Obama Care better, not just tear it down before it's begun.

  3. And send Mourdock modocking back to the coal mines.

  4. Your Tpers were responsible for one less Pub in the Senate, detestable reasonable gentleman that he was.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Brown goes down in MA! Short run. 1 thumb up for mj in MA, 2 THUMBS UP FOR PERSONAL FREEDOM IN CO & WA. Your hero Ronnie did more damage to personal freedom than any prexy in history.

  7. As I say, it's lights out for Western civilization.

  8. You just like wars. Is it a sign of the apocalypse that a major battle in the drug war has been won by the opponents of imprisoning our citizens for utilizing what they find to be pleasurable and much less harmful than ettoh? Everything I ever learned about sex, drugs and war I learned in the late 60s when I discovered we had been lied to by our oppressors here in our free states united. OK the one war you detest is that war on poverty which I agree has been lost as much as any war we've fought. Sorry bout your Nettie. He nneeds to bow out of the world stage. The way you applauded his disrespect for our CIC was abhorant. What's Scott Brown's excuse? The war for a universal health care has been waged for a century but it appears you hqve lost 2 major battles in your war to overturn what we have now. Oh well, tis what it is now, isn't it? There's plenty left to say but the Stop Obama Express needs to go into the shop for a tune up.

  9. Again, why you are eager to see Iran get a nuclear weapon and use it on Israel is beyond me.

  10. I am eager to see peace. I believe still have the strength for it. You don't. So why should I sully my optimisim about the world my 5 grandchildren will inherit arguing with someone who sees signs of the apocalypse everywhere? All I can do is look to my own soul and attempt to pass on what dreams I have to those who care to listen. I could be wrong. And so could you. Be well, do good work, and stay in touch. NPR carries on to broadcast that daily from Garrison Keillor's Writers Almanac, for now.

  11. Again, do you view the legalization of recreational marijuana use as one of your signs of the Apocalypse? I viewed the criminilization of such a benign herb as freedom hating.

    Great read here if you can find time, because I know you have a difficult time multi-tasking your love for freedom.

    What part of the Constitution gives the government the right to dictate what consenting adults consume in the privacy of their own homes as long as they are not harming anyone, even themselves? What part of a just and compassionate society denies those dying and in terrible pain the denies those dying and in terrible pain the one substance that makes their lives bearable?


    Greg Campbell's writing has appeared in The Wall Street Journal Magazine, The Economist, The San Francisco Times, Paris Match, and The Christian Science Monitor, among others. He lives in Fort Collins, CO.

  12. I don't think about whether marijuana is legal or not much at all, actually.
