Friday, November 30, 2012

Memo to black Americans: refuse to be a human shield for the FHer regime

I haven't done a lot on this blog concerning the racialization of the overall political climate in America, primarily because it all seems so juvenile to me that I hoped it would go away and relieve me of my embarrassment for the left side of the American populace.

But it doesn't go away.  In fact, it reaches new levels of ridiculousness, as demonstrated by its red-herring use in the attempt to get at the reason for Susan Rice's disingenuousness in the Benghazi debacle.  (Adding further irony to this is the fact that Rice wrote for her senior thesis at Stanford a lamentation on the whiteness and Eurocentricity of the way US history is taught in American educational institutions overall.  I dunno; her family seems to have comfortably assimilated into overall American society; her father was a Federal Reserve governor, and her mother was VP of Control Data Processing.  And Rice herself was at Stanford.)

What is needed is a way to get people whose demographic categorization could qualify them for aggrieved-group status to see that the Freedom-Haters engage in identity politics to use them as human shields.  It's very clear that the Benghazi situation is a huge issue that may even involve treasonous activity.   Yet there is no faster way to obscure that elephant in the room than to shift the subject to conjecture about bigotry on the part of people who have never previously been accused of such a thing.

Same with the bandying about of the term "middle class" in the fiscal-cliff battle.  In fact, the middle class is more than the regime's human shield; it is its hostage.  The Most Equal Comrade is holding a gun to middle-class America's head because he has an opportunity to destroy the Republican party.

All of us - "the masses" - are mere fodder for the utterly mad aims of the post-American left.

Beware:  The more they realize we are on to them, the more sinister their methods of fighting back will be.

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