Thursday, September 22, 2011

Remember the United States of America? It was such a great country

The community of San Juan Capistrano, California fines a family for holding a Bible study in its home.


  1. Your heading sounds as hyperbolic and paranoiac as the National Enquirer, but the City Attorney in this town the size of Columbus, said the issue is a matter of zoning. It is a local matter and would apply to Jews, Muslims and American homo nudists as well. What do you think you can get away with out in Tipon Lakes there in Columbus?

    'The Fromm case further involves regular meetings on Sunday mornings and Thursday afternoons with up to 50 people, with impacts on the residential neighbourhood on street access and parking,' he said.

    Read more:

  2. Neighbors are writing the city government in support of the couple.

  3. Good, but I doubt they are unanamous. 50 vehicles twice a week in any neighborhood might tend to piss off a few people enough to complain. But it could have been Islamic terrorist turds though that ratted them out. Perhaps it was a New Age witch/bitch whose sould has been publicly damned and worse many times in the recent and distant past. I still don't get the leap to America's dead. It is still a government of laws, not men, and I presume the local government of San Juan Capistrano will work it all out. I'll keep an eye out for reports on how it all works out.
