Friday, September 23, 2011

Elizabeth Warren, freedom-hating chunk of dog vomit

She thinks that when someone or a group of people decide to engage in a profit-making activity, they are obligated to "give back" to the state.


  1. But how can Bachman and you say Americans should get to keep every penny of what they earn? Are any collectivist efforts in this country not socialist to you folks but the military, transportation, water and sewage and the police? This country has always been a mix of the private and the collective. But you cry socialist or worse at the drop of a hint of tax increases, yet you continually cry out for wars in foreign lands, and, oh yes, that fence being built to keep the wetbacks out, now that the ones that came here illegally and were paid illegally for their grunt work are allegedly a financial burden.

  2. It is going to take every molecule of effort we (conservatives) can muster to counter this poisonous notion that money one earns or otherwise lawfully obtains really belongs to the government which then in its wisdom will deem what is a proper portion of it to dole back out to us.
    There is no governmental power that must be more carefully managed than the power to take money from free individuals. Misused, that power becomes tyranny.

  3. Yes it probably will take every molecule of effort and they you're dead because income tax has been a fact of life for every living American since receiving their first paycheck and the sky hasn't fallen yet. I think your (conservatives) position that we keep every penny we make is extreme and is not only unworkable, but absurd in this complex interconnected modern society. Perhaps you envision a flat tax or something?

  4. Several ways to go about it: flat tax, fair tax, Herman Cain's 9-9-9 proposal.
    And the sky is indeed falling. It's chilling indeed to see the number of modern Americans - up to and including Warren Buffett - who are perfectly willing to let the government have yet more of their money. That's called forgetting what one's freedom is all about.
