Monday, September 19, 2011

Palestinians are nowhere near ready to have a sovereign state - today's edition

The PA selects the mother of four murderous terrorists to lead its march to UN offices in the West Bank to demand statehodd.


  1. "Revolution is always legal in the first-person as in "our revolution" and always illegal in the third person, such as "their revolution." B Franklin, circa 1776

    There are many documented instances of "Tory" printing presses being attacked or burned, well-known Tory sympathizers being tarred and feathered, and "Revolutionaries" outright attacking the British, their property, and ships. (e.g. the Boston Tea Party; burning of the Gaspee.) All of this occured before the Declaration of Independence.

  2. Didja know that Give 'em Hell Harry was alone in his decision to go for statehood for Israel back in '48? All his advisors, including Marshall, were strongly against it. Maybe they weren't in any hurry for Armageddon either, but, oh well, that's surely what's coming or something like it.

  3. Historical comparisons only work once the moral weight has been sorted out.

  4. I suppose that it is moral relativism but "History is written by the victors" -Winston Churchill

  5. Precisely why you want the good guys to win in any given conflict.

  6. Gonna have to be a lot of blood flowing and you know it. The evil you posit in the middle east is nowhere near defeated. I mean more blood than ever flowed before at man's mass hands. Praise the Lord and Pass the Ammunition...
