Monday, September 19, 2011

A different definition of "now" than most of us are familiar with

Great Andrew Malcolm column at the LA Times on how the FHers in the Senate interpret the MEC's pass-this-jobs-bill-now demand.


  1. I've seen your so-called Freedom Haters referred to as leftists, socialists, commies, clueless as always, of course. Don't you know that even the left considers itself dead? They undoubtedly have made their mark, but socialism is likewise dead. Not that continually deriding your opponents as such doesn't still get you mileage amongst the more clueless (and anti-intellectual, e.g., Rick Perry, oh he of the cowboy Ds in college so he became a pilot. Of a cargo transport plane), but he must have been such a manly yell leader for his Aggies) amongst you.

    "The historian Michael Kazin acknowledges that Americans have reached what may be “a nadir of the historical left.” But he urges sympathizers not to despair. According to Kazin, the American left has never been much good at building institutions, or getting people elected or seeing its economic programs realized. But it has been enormously effective at shifting the nation’s moral compass and expanding its sense of political possibility. The real problem for today’s left, Kazin writes, is that its members have forgotten how to think big — how to look beyond the uninspiring present to a more dazzling and egalitarian future. Defending Medicare and Social Security may be all well and good, but what ever happened to utopia?"

    The homos and illegal immigrants are your new niggas freedom lovers.

    see re: Cowboy Perry

    and regarding the death of the American left re:

  2. It's wounded, and that certainly gladdens the heart, but it's definitely not dead, since we have a fiercely committed Mrxist-Leninist strolling into the Oval Office every morning, and a media / education / journalism infrastructure cheering him on even at this late date.

  3. I know it's off the topic of your post, except for the Freedom Haters part from which you apparently will never part, but God that mantra about Obama is really getting old for me. Turn on the AM channel and the mouths roar with the same old toxic talk. You guys are simply sore losers and I know there is a lengthy essay that can be written about that going all the way back to the implementation of the Social Security Act, if not before, and especially over the Viet Nam war.

    I'd almost hope for another Texas big shot in there just to hear other mouths roar for a change. But, admittedly, since the advent of the internet I don't watch much real time TV. Was that current front running Pub and Patriot 5th Generation Texan (which doesn't impress me much) Rick Perry pummelling pussy his entire time at Texas A&M or something to merit all those Ds and Fs? Surely he wasn't smoking, drinking, dropping substances and protesting the war was he? Maybe he focused on yell leading. But, I know, I know, his principles are perfect. And, more about his view of himself and some of those around him that he is a modern prophet is sure to come in the egghead v. blockhead feature fight. A guy in a Plano, TX, LA Fitness sauna where I was recently assigned and I struck up a political conversation of sorts. He wondered whether anyone but Obama can keep their religion and their presidency separate. Remember the shit Kennedy took for being Catholic and how he had to fend off naysayers who claimed that in a tight spot his fealty to the pope would trump his obligations to the country?

    "I am not the Catholic candidate for President. I am the Democratic Party candidate for President who also happens to be a Catholic. I do not speak for my Church on public matters" – and the Church does not speak for me." -Kennedy, John F. "Address to the Greater Houston Ministerial Association" on 9/2/60

  4. What is tiresome about the pro-freedom media figures continuing to point out that the MEC is a hardcore socialist and that the Democrat party has squeezed anyone who is not far to the left out of opportunities to advance within it?

    Re: Rick Perry, yes, the main point about him is that his principles are in order.

  5. Perry v. Obama, that's the ticket. We shall see, we shall see. That campaign is gonna be quite vicious as well. Your detested Bill Clinton is back in the game now too, lookin and talkin real good, haven't you seen? I value intelligence and academic achievement and don't see much of it in Rick Perry. Newt, of course, is great in that department, and obviously Ron Paul. Gee, is Romney now so swiftly an also ran? Obviously with the way the economy has been your side has a great opportunity. Of course you will want to make sure the preemptors are back in power behind the scenes and I do not fool myself that they are not panting with lust for a return to power.

  6. "Texas governor Rick Perry said God is calling on him to run for President. But Michele Bachmann said that god is calling on her to run for President. You know, if God is that indecisive, he's probably for Mitt Romney." –Jay Leno
