Wednesday, July 24, 2019

When push comes to shove on Israel-hatred, The Squad does not have most House Dems on its side

Sandy, Rashid, Ilhan, let these numbers sink in:

Three hundred ninety-eight out of 432 seated members of the Democrat-led House of Representatives voted on Tuesday to condemn the Boycott, Divest, and Sanction (BDS) movement, an amalgam of anti-Zionist interests that advocates for the delegitimization and ostracization of all Israeli institutions. It was a vote that Democrats would not have had to take but for the upstart progressives in their midst. The party’s progressive House freshmen have made a name for themselves by pushing their caucus to the left on a series of issues, one of which is support for America’s strategic alliance with Israel. They pushed too far.
And this appears to be a case of this chamber of the legislative branch living up to its name. The vote was truly representative of public opinion:

Twenty-seven states have adopted measures opposing the boycott of Israeli goods or imposing costs on institutions that comport with BDS’s demands. This March, Gallup found that 59 percent of American adults sympathize with Israel in its conflict with the Palestinian Authority. Only 21 percent backed the entities in Gaza and the West Bank. Although this represents a modest decline in support for Israel from 2018, pro-Israel sentiment remains palpable among a majority of Republicans and independents and a plurality of Democrats. Only among self-described “liberal Democrats” has sympathy for Israel collapsed to a virtually non-existent 3 percent.
And no, Ilhan darlin',  nobody's trampling on your First Amendment rights:

The anti-BDS resolution, she said, “attempts to delegitimize a certain people’s political speech and to send a message that our government can and will take action against speech it doesn’t like” (a federal judge in Arkansas has already dismissed Tlaib’s constitutional objections).
Now, this little utterance from Westchester Sandy is kind of creepy, don't you think?

“My concern with being overly punitive on nonviolent forms of protest is that it forces people into other channels,” said squad member Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. The congresswoman has a habit of speaking in vague terms so that she can plausibly deny the obvious implication, but her meaning is clear enough; if boycotting Israeli goods isn’t an option, opponents of the Jewish state will be forced to take more drastic measures.
Steve Berman at The Resurgent likens it to an experience he had overseas once:

One time I was in Italy and parked my rental car on the street near a nice restaurant. A man came up and asked for 500 lira (back then before the euro, about $5). I asked through my interpreter, Guido, “what for?” He wants to watch your car so nothing happens to it. I began to decline when Guido said, “give him the money, or something willhappen to your car.”
AOC issued the equivalent statement that the man outside the restaurant gave me. Since Congress has voted to condemn BDS, which she claims is the non-violent path to destroying Israel (*snort*), that will leave the Jew-haters who voted her, Tlaib and Rep. Omar Ilhan into office no choice but to resort to violence.
Sorry, gals, but most people don't harbor your animosity for the only Western nation in the Middle East.

Exit question: will these chicks become more desperate and outlandish as they realize how unpopular they are, or will it spur them to start acting more like stateswomen, respectful of the institutions and traditions of the body in which they serve (and of US allies)?



  1. Guess there aren't as many liberal Democrats as Trump and the shock jocks would like to have us believe. Hope that spells defeat for Trump in 2020.

  2. Dems will have to come up with a non-wacky candidate fast to make that happen.

  3. Ask Ted Cruz. He is a bit concerned that there are so many Dems detesting Trump that they'll turn out in droves. As it is, Trump's assholiness has ser us back a long way in the eyes of most of the rest of the world. No more boors!

  4. Last year’s Democratic governorship and congressional victories, he wrote, “came almost entirely because of gains by center-left candidates. A Gallup poll last December indicated Democrats favored a more moderate rather than a more liberal party.” Turnout in 2018 was exceptionally high and resembled presidential election turnout more than other midterm elections.

  5. From:

  6. If the US gets dragged into war over Israel there will likely be a shift in numbers looking for a solution other than Armageddon. But hasn't that what diplomacy over the past half century been all about?

  7. What makes you think getting dragged into a war over Israel is likely?

    I suppose it is a possibility that Iran, now that sanctions have squeezed its economy and it's getting desperate, could directly threaten Israel, but as long as it's merely Iran's proxy Hizbollah doing the threatening, Israel will take care of the matter itself.

  8. Good, Israel can take care of the matter itself. For that I might get called antiSemitic.

  9. You do seem to have a different view of Israel than of other US allies.

  10. Oh really? Which ones? The ones who still wanted to work with the Iran nuclear deal?

  11. I'm a Democrat as long as there are Blue Dogs. Does that explain anything other than I'm an idiot, not even savant? Hopefully we will unite to defeat Trump in 2020. That is a period. Period! Somehow we'll muddle by. Dems largely want to revisit the Iran deal. Oh I know Nettie will have a cow.

  12. The defense arrangement we have with all our closest allies - the NATO nations, Australia, Japan, South Korea - is that we are obliged to come to their defense if they get attacked in such a way that response goes beyond their resources.

    You okay with that? It's the same arrangement we have with that other closest ally, Israel. You okay with that?

  13. Which Dem presidential candidate are you okay with?

    What do you think it will take to reunite your party and give those Blue Dogs a voice again?

  14. 1) OK with NATO committments worked out by qualified and experienced diplomats. Why wouldn't I be?
    2) We have 15 months to come together to totally cream Trump out of power and command. That must be done unless God above puts a stop to it. Amazingly a substantial sum of holy rollers will claim God did just that if he gets reelected. And man will the shocked jocks roar then to add to the 8 years they lost their stuff over Obama.

  15. Well, the same kinds of commitments have been worked out with Israel by qualified and experienced diplomats.

    You didn't really explain what you think it will take to reunite your party. I get that you passionately want that to happen, but I don't see you, or any Democrats for that matter, laying the groundwork to make that happen.

  16. Barely a year ago my party which will rid us of Trump came out quite well Congressionally and gubanatorially. Though Trump et al would paint us all as socialist antiSemites, apparently that BS was not swallowed by enough. He/you & your ilk will ramp up the volume of course, over the succeeding 15 months. How will we unify? Hell I dunno, but I and many others are still im for defeatimg Trumo. If I knew how, I'd be an armchair strategest like you. Of coirse sadly lacking the strong spiritual foundation you claim for yourself. We want a President of couth and grace who we know is working and caring about all Americans and our place at the global table. Not one foaming at the mouth and imbecilicly tweeting to his/her base. I've never lived through a period where our leader stirred up such commotion domestically, unless it was that Dark Knight Nixon, beacon of terror to "the pther" which at that time contained the likes of hell no we won't go me, so gently swaying in that garden of delight.

  17. TakeStephanieMurphy also resembles many of the freshmen who helped deliver Democrats the majority: ex-Pentagon with zero political experience, and a woman of color with kids back home. Before she filed her campaign paperwork, she hadn’t even been registered as a Democrat, according to an aide.

    But her quick success — a 15-point margin of victory last fall after beating ex-Rep. John Mica by just 3 points in her first election — has turned her into a guidepost for the dozens of freshmen Democrats who unseated GOP incumbents last year and are looking to survive in Donald Trump’s Washington as middle-of-the-road Democrats.

  18. The Democratic party will come together to rid the planet of Donald J Trump's presidential power, if not his supremely ugly lip. Though largely revered in a state like Indiana, there is a coming tsuanami of hatred for this vile human being worldwide. He must go! See ya at the ballot box...

  19. But Dems will have to have a viable candidate to run against him.

  20. Just electable my friend. Trump shifting to nasty mode this very day over Fox News poll having him lose to Biden.

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