Monday, July 15, 2019

Squad presser - initial thoughts

It just concluded, so these thoughts are fresh indeed.

Pressley came off as the most stateswomanlike, but that bar is set low, given her stressing of the term "occupant" and refusal to use the term "president."

Two ways to look at Omar's use of the requiting of Trump's foul language ("s--hole countries," "grab 'em by the pussy"). It could be seen as gratuitous and in our faces - the presser was held at 5:15 PM, after all, when kids are home and getting ready for dinner - but, on the other hand, hey, the Very Stable Genius said these things. They're fair game.

Can't see Omar's call for impeachment gaining any more traction than any calls so far have.

And she knows damn good and well what the Mueller report concluded, so her mention of "collusion with a foreign government" was rotten indeed.

All of them were fairly deft at using the "distraction" angle. Was surely coordinated. They want to steer the national knife fight conversation back to the pressing issues on out plate, doncha know. You know, like springing illegal alien kids from cages (this coming days after former acting ICE director Thomas Homan had explained to AOC in a House Oversight Committee hearing that that's because their parents had been arrested) and giving everyone government-provided health care (because in Squadworld, it's possible for health care to be a right). You see, the real problem with Trump, according to the Squad, is that because he's not on board with these aims, he's a racist and wants to see people die of terrible diseases.

Bottom line: Doubt if it moves the needle regarding public opinion. Enthusiasts of the brands involved had their confirmation bias massaged.

And post-America got a bit more brittle and ridiculous.

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