Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Facebook takes sides in the lesbian - transgender dustup

One of the semi-regular segments on Barney & Clyde, the fortnightly podcast I co-host with libertarian Clyde Myers is "You'll Never Be Woke Enough." It's an opportunity to have a good guffaw over the Left eating its own. Intersectionality always finds something that doesn't pass muster.

This little item would make some fine content for that segment.

The lady was just pointing our some basic biology and how denial thereof intrudes on her ability to know just who she's dealing with when she's lookin' for a sweetie:

On Sunday evening, Miriam Ben-Shalom, the first lesbian to be reinstated to the U.S. Army after being booted over her sexual orientation, told PJ Media she had been banned from Facebook for 30 days. Her crime? Saying that lesbians like her are not interested in intercourse with males who have male anatomy. She has been outspoken against transgender activists, who — among other things — insist that males who identify as women are really women, so lesbians must be romantically interested in them.
When PJ Media asked about the offending post, Ben-Shalom pointed to a photo with two t-shirts.
"It is a picture of 2 red t-shirts in 'Your photos,'" she wrote in an email. "One says 'D*kes Don't Want D**k Get Over It' and the other says, 'Women Have V*g*n*s Get Over It.'" The vulgar photo may be seen here.
While the messages on the t-shirts are vulgar, they are anatomically correct. Ben-Shalom's Facebook profile is private, so she alleged that the people who "reported" her to Facebook must have gotten in by "a hack."
It's all rather exotic to me, but I see her point. Some of these folks who resent the DNA they were born with look pretty convincing with their dresses on. Bruce Jenner and Bradley Manning come to mind.

Look, I realize Facebook is a private-sector company and can set any policies it likes and even get rid of customers. The question of whether to break up Big Tech is not a front-burner issue for me - we could all stand to go outside and play and get our noses out of those damn screens - but that's pretty harsh.

Big companies tend to veer left. It's just the lay of the land these days. But Miriam's point will get out nonetheless.

UPDATE: Lest you think this is merely a debate over an abstraction - that Ben-Shalom is as free to pass up an overture from a sexually interested party as anyone else - consider this scenario:

This week, British Columbia’s Human Rights Tribunal (CHRC) — a self-described “quasi-judicial body created by the B.C. Human Rights Code” — held hearings on whether or not female beauticians should be forced to handle male genitalia. The complainant, known until Wednesday under the alias “J. Y.” owing to a court gag order, is Jonathan/Jessica Yaniv, a self-identified transgender woman.
Yaniv has filed 16 different complaints against estheticians in the past year. Yaniv argues that, as a transgender woman, being denied services on account of her gender identity was discriminatory. As “Jessica,” Yaniv explained on Twitter:
This is not about waxing. This about businesses and individuals using their religion and culture to refuse service to protected groups because -they- don’t agree with it or the person and use that to illegally discriminate contrary to the BC Human Rights Code and the CHRC.
But who said this was about waxing? This is about sex, surely. Yaniv is male — a male who has not made the surgical commitment necessary to pass as a female. On top of that, in the past year, Yaniv has presented unambiguously as a male on a number of sites including Google, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and YouTube. And on top of that, Yaniv is a male who is sexually attracted to females.
The dude conveniently identifies as female whenever he gets a hankering to have his nads fondled. And where did this tribunal come up with a quorum of people who could resist laughing out loud at the preposterousness of the whole thing? Oh, wait, it has the term "human rights" in its name. Those outfits can always find some folks to earnestly ponder such nuttiness.

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