Friday, July 26, 2019

Ten truths I yearn to hear some aspirant to Congress or the presidency forthrightly assert

The global climate is not in crisis.

It is impossible by definition to have a right to health care. There is no such thing as a right to something that requires one's fellow human being to do something.

The minimum wage is bad and wrong for at least three reasons: It distorts the market value of an hour of labor, it entails government telling a private organization how to conduct its affairs, and it elbows the most economically vulnerable among us out of the job market.

It is always a mistake to legitimize rogue regimes.

Every school and business in America that has a diversity office should close it immediately.

Redistribution - that is, taking Citizen A's money at gunpoint to address the particular situation of Citizen B - is always an immoral use of government's power to tax.

The only two demographics in America against which there is systemic bigotry are Christians and Jews.

For all intents and purposes, all societies throughout history have been organized patriarchally.

Gender dysphoria is a mental illness.

Chances are slim that our culture's rot can be reversed.


  1. 100% agreed
    plus maybe an affirmation of our 2nd Amendment and our sovereignty as a nation with real borders

  2. Great platform for you. Get funding and go for it!
