Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Night one of Dem debate two - some thoughts

Mind you, I didn't watch it - my band had a rehearsal last night - so the take I'm forming is based on those I've gleaned from news and opinion sites and Twitter so far today.

Some points of general consensus among those sites:

John Delaney and Tim Ryan were the two, relatively speaking, moderates, and the the radicals bullied them right out of the race.

Marianne Williamson, according to a few conservative pundits, flat-out won the thing.

I like this little insight from Buzzfeed's Ben Smith via Jim Geraghty at National Review:

She’s the political candidate for people who aren’t that into politics. Ben Smith of BuzzFeed mentioned that a Marianne Williamson staffer told him, “when she visits the networks, reporters and producers sneer at her, but the makeup artists always cry when they meet her.”
 Some noteworthy tweets about some of the others:

Erick Erickson on Mayor Pete:

Just a reminder that Pete Buttigieg is an Episcopalian, so his understanding of Christianity isn't very deep or serious.

Having progressive Christians lecture you about faith and scripture is like having communists tell you bread lines are good because it means people aren't starving.
7:29 AM - 31 Jul 2019

Jedidiah Bila on Fauxcahontas:

Warren is actually advocating that we publicly vow not to use a nuclear weapon unless another country uses it first. This is what she’s actually saying. Complete and total lunacy. Terrifying lunacy, actually.
7:22 PM - 30 Jul 2019

Katie Pavlich, also on Fauxcahontas:

As Elizabeth Warren closes the night with complaints about cost of college for students, just remember she was paid $400,000 to teach one class.
7:41 PM - 30 Jul 2019

Tonight ought to be interesting for fans of blood sport. Biden vs. Harris. I don't know that I'll check in with any consistency. No real excuse tonight, except that I don't want to get a case of the sads over the state of one of post-America's two major political parties.


  1. The archangel Raphael is stumpong for Marianne up there but God wants Trump.

  2. It is no accident that the Democratic candidate with the best grasp of this election is the one running a spiritual crusade, not an economic redistribution effort. Many of her ideas are wackadoodle, but Marianne Williamson is right about this: “This is part of the dark underbelly of American society: the racism, the bigotry and the entire conversation that we’re having here tonight. If you think any of this wonkiness is going to deal with this dark psychic force of the collectivized hatred that this president is bringing up in this country, then I’m afraid that the Democrats are going to see some very dark days.”

    And she is right about this: “We’ve never dealt with a figure like this in American history before. This man, our president, is not just a politician; he’s a phenomenon. And an insider political game will not be able to defeat it. … The only thing that will defeat him is if we have a phenomenon of equal force, and that phenomenon is a moral uprising of the American people.”
