Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Three glimpses into the way the pro-fetal-murder crowd views the world

There's AOC's tweet in response to Georgia passing a heartbeat bill:

“6 weeks pregnant” = 2 weeks late on your period. Most of the men writing these bills don’t know the first thing about a woman’s body outside of the things they want from it. It’s relatively common for a woman to have a late period + not be pregnant. So this is a backdoor ban.
The body that the Georgia legislature was primarily concerned with was that of the defenseless, innocent kid, Toots. And if you're just late, there's nothing to talk about, is there?

Then there's this chick, who tries to pull a snowflake on some pro-life demonstrators, even as she goes all violent on them:

[At] the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill . . . a woman approached a couple of pro-life men with a sign on campus. The woman asked the men if the sign was theirs and immediately began pummeling and kicking the man.
The two men remained very calm throughout the attack, with one of the men calling the police. As he did so the woman began screaming at them about how they were horrible people and that the sign they were displaying was “triggering.”
Sweetie, let me explain something very basic to you. You have no right not to be offended - or "triggered," if you prefer.

Fortunately, she was arrested. But the message that one does not get to forcibly silence conservatives still needs constant reinforcing.

Then there's this broad, who no doubt claims that science is on her side when the subject turns to the supposed global climate crisis. She also has a surprisingly low threshold for polemical challenges, getting into some kind of nonsense about "fake stories" when asked to clarify her position:

Debate on CNN's "Cuomo Prime Time" caught fire Monday night after a guest proclaimed that a fetus is not a human being.
When host Chris Cuomo gave Christine Quinn, the former speaker of the New York City Council, the last word, she said a fetus is effectively a body part. Her comments drew Cuomo, Quinn, and guest Rick Santorum into a heavy debate over Democratic Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam's comments about whether a newborn baby should be permitted to live and New York's new late-term abortion laws. 
"When a woman gets pregnant, that is not a human being inside of her. It is part of her body, and this is about a woman having full agency and control of her body and making decisions about her body and what is part of her body with medical professionals," Quinn said. "Those are the facts and that is the law."

Santorum replied: "So the baby is their property and they can do whatever they want to it. They can maim the baby or torture the baby." 

Quinn shot back: "This is about a woman’s body. Rick, you're spinning fake stories. You’re so desperate here, you're so desperate here. You're bringing up fake stories. "
Satorum said he was "not desperate. I’m just asking questions." 
I've seen the pattern a million times. You challenge a leftist to defend her or his position and get some kind of meltdown in response - either sputtering like this or ad hominem attacks.

The common thread in all three of these instances is the pro-fetal-death person in question reserving the right not to make sense. "I won't even give your side one microsecond of airing because shut up."

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