Friday, May 24, 2019

It's this kind of stuff - today's edition

There's obviously nothing becoming, let alone productive, about Nancy Pelosi's call for someone in Trump's inner circle to stage an intervention, but count on the most embarrassing president in history to confirm the basis of her lambasting.

Pelosi went first, with demure shrugs and practiced sass. Then, as a tornado warning blared across Washington, Trump followed with a derisive nickname — something he had declined to give her, up to now.
“She’s a mess,” Trump told reporters at an afternoon news conference in which he lined up White House staff to testify to his calmness the day before when he walked out after three minutes at a meeting with Pelosi and Senate Democratic leader Charles Schumer.
“Crazy Nancy. ... I watched Nancy and she was all crazy yesterday.”
As for himself, he declared, “I’m an extremely stable genius.”
People of little depth are also generally people of little imagination, as evidenced by the increasing mediocrity of the nicknames he confers.

I read this and thought, I don't even have to speculate that the spin will commence pretty much instantly. And sure enough, the next item I read was a post about it by the once-singularly-incisive-and-now-routinely-dismaying (she not only digs Trump, but Kurt Schlichter and Paul Joseph Watson as well) Bookworm.

How's this for lame and flimsy?

Yes, I know it’s tacky when he talks about “Crazy Nancy Pelosi” or “Dumb as a Rock” Rex Tillerson, but we are living in tacky times, with a political party now devoting its entire energy and political capital to destroying a president. Dems have no other goals than to thwart Trump. Abnormal times seem to call for abnormal measures.
Here’s the way I see it: Being tacky is not an impeachable offense. 
That's shameful. But it captures the essence of how Trump's shills views the lay of the land. They've completely lost sight of the fact that the waging war against the Democrats - and, to be sure, we must wage war against the Democrats - can be done far more effectively, in a way that presents a compelling case to those remaining citizens who are not ate up with tribalism. But as it is, you see, we have forfeited an essential arrow in our quiver: the conservative insistence on dignified bearing - on basic maturity.

It's still early in the day. I haven't checked out too many outlets yet, but I'm sure more "defenses" of this nature are being posted even now. For instance, I'll bet the daily lineup at Townhall will include an ample share of gleeful fist-pumping. If anyone out there has the stomach for how it's being treated at Gateway Pundit and American Greatness, let us know.

The dilemma for actual conservatives remains what it has been for four years. Leftists can hold this guy up and say, "Behold the face of the Right in modern America," and the Trump throne-sniffers will actually be in agreement with that basic utterance.

Jobs numbers and the GDP are in excellent shape, but culturally and spiritually, post-America is in the same state of rot it has been in for decades. And the economic good times are going to be fleeting, too. The number of people in a position to craft, implement and defend policy based on really and truly addressing this nation's $25-plus trillion debt is too few to matter.

Again, I say, I wish that someday I'd awaken to find that this blog's name had become obsolete, but such a bright morn still eludes me, and us.


  1. Isn't it irritating when someone volunteers verbally to pray for one?

  2. Not necessarily, if it's sincere. Cancer patients and people whose houses are blown away by tornadoes generally appreciate it, I think.
