Friday, November 16, 2018

What institution will pass along the accumulated knowledge and wisdom of Western civilization now that the university is dead? - today's edition

The relentless march of the campus jackboots:

Georgia Southern University will mandate that "all students" take "diversity and inclusion" courses.
Under the new curriculum, all first and second-year students will be required to take the yet-to-be-announced courses, according to the student newspaper The George-Anne. This move is a result of diversity and inclusion resolution, passed by the GSU Student Government Association.
GSU SGA Senator-at-Large Keyshawn Housey, members of the GSU National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), and members of the National Pan-hellenic Council (NPHC), a collaborative organization of African American fraternities and sororities, authored the resolution.
“There is a lack of civil discourse about race, diversity, and inclusion due to a fear of backlash among faculty, staff, and students on this campus,” the resolution states, going on to put the school's demographic makeup into context. 
These totalitarians aren't stopping with a course. Here's what else they want:

The resolution also calls for the SGA, GSU’s President’s Cabinet, and the school’s Presidential Diversity Advisory Council to cooperate in creating an annual “racial climate” report.
This is pure poison.

And not only is all of this tyranny of the most horrifying sort, but it is the intentional infantilization of the post-American cattle-masses. At least one student isn't buying in:

“College is already expensive and stressful,” GSU sophomore Matthew Frost told Campus Reform. "I can’t continue to pay for additional courses and spend valuable time sitting through courses where a professor is teaching people how to ‘be kind’ to each other. Parents should be teaching that at home, for free.” 
Exactly. If your parents and your stinkin' kindergarten teacher aren't effectively conveying the be-a-nice-respectful-person message, it's not your university's job.

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