Monday, November 12, 2018

The only force in current post-American politics and discourse accurately taking the measure of the Very Stable Genius

It sure looks like, on the basis of the previous three posts, that it's Beat-Up-the-President Day at LITD.

Well, damn it, he has it coming. North Korean appeasement seems to have failed. He's reinforced his image throughout Europe as arrogant and erratic. His bloviating about the Florida recounts is unhelpful.

Now, what kind of reaction would the throne-sniffers of various types have to the sum total of what we've posted so far today have? Wayne Allen Root would immediately blurt out the latest employment and consumer confidence numbers. Sean Hannity would probably go the this-is-how-far-the-tentacles-of-the-deep-state-extend route. Laura Ingraham's emphasis would probably be on the illegal-alien factor. Kurt Schlichter would take the "just-trample-'em-all-under-foot" approach.

But here's the thing: In the aftermath of the midterms, it's pretty clear that, beyond the VSG's base, he's not in as good a shape as he was in 2016. Lower numbers for suburban voters and white women. A newly constituted House preoccupied with intensifying investigations.

LITD harbors no regrets at all in maintaining the steady-as-she-goes course it's been on since the fabled descent on the Trump Tower escalator. The good policy moves remain worthy of applause, but the guy's glaring personality flaws have real-world ramifications.

As is the case with most outlets and people taking this stance, LITD rejects the meaningless "Never Trump" label, used for purposes of derision by the throne-sniffers. We neither intend to defect to the Democrat party - what in God's name could they possibly have to offer any conservative? - nor hunker down in obscurity.

Contrary to the smug diagnoses of Trump's slavish devotees, we haven't withered as a force and disappeared. In fact, we're going to prove indispensable as the need for a coherent argument against Leftism is shown to be beyond the Trump-is-fabulous / MAGA camp's capabilities.

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