Friday, September 14, 2018

Chelsea Clinton crosses the line from silly and corrupt to unimaginably evil

There's also a definite "WTF? How's that again?" aspect to this:

Chelsea Clinton said in a SiriusXM interview Thursday that she believes it is “unchristian” to go back to a pre-Roe v. Wade America.
In response to a question about how she stayed optimistic about her fight to keep abortion legal, Clinton replied that “every day I make the moral choice to be optimistic that my efforts and my energies, particularly when I’m fortunate enough to be in partnership with fellow travelers, hopefully will make a difference.”
“And when I think about all of the statistics — that are painful — of what women are confronting,” she continued, “today in our country, and what even more women confronted pre-Roe and how many women died and how many more women were maimed because of unsafe abortion practices, we just can’t go back to that.”
“That’s unconscionable to me, and also, I’m sure that this will unleash another wave of hate in my direction, but as a deeply religious person, it’s also unchristian to me,” she concluded. 
Just wow.


  1. Ya think we might need a hell on earth to throw these unspeakably evil people into for as forever as we can, then let the devil devour them in perpetuity after they die here terribly?

  2. Aquinas speculated that part of the joy of heaven was watching the unworthy writhe in hell.

  3. I'd like to see that Aquinas speculation in context.

  4. The history of hell is an interesting read.
