Sunday, July 15, 2018

The latest on the campus jackbootery front

This isn't some small, obscure, liberal-arts college.

What the University of Minnesota is on the verge of imposing:

The University of Minnesota has published in draft form a new “gender identity” policy. The Star Tribune headlines: “He, she or ze? Pronouns could pose trouble under University of Minnesota campus policy.”
Using the wrong pronoun could turn into a firing offense at the University of Minnesota.
The U is considering a new “gender identity” policy that would assure transgender men and women, as well as others, the right to use whatever pronoun they wish on campus — whether it’s he, she, “ze” or something else.
And everyone from professors to classmates would be expected to call them by the right words or risk potential disciplinary action, up to firing or expulsion.
Gender nazis love to get people fired.
The University offers a menu of gender identities and pronouns from which students can choose:
Personal Pronoun
• He/him/his
• None
• Prefer not to specify
• She/her/hers
• They/them/theirs
• Ze/Zir/Zirs
Gender identity
• Agender
• Enter your own
• Gender nonconforming
• Genderqueer
• Man
• Nonbinary
• Prefer not to specify
• Two spirit
• Woman
The purpose is to prevent the dreaded “misgendering.”
The pronoun rule is just one of the proposed changes in a draft U policy that, advocates say, would bar harassment and discrimination against transgender and “gender nonconforming” individuals. It’s designed, in part, to combat an indignity known as misgendering — when someone is called by a name or personal pronoun they no longer use.
Misgendering is when you see a woman and refer to her as “she.” 
The new policy isn’t directed only at policing speech:
The pronoun rule isn’t the only potentially contentious issue in the proposed policy. Among other things, it would also give individuals the right to access men’s or women’s locker rooms, recreational activities and housing based on their self-identified gender, rather than their biology. Konstan said he’s heard concerns about how that might affect roommate assignments, for example.
Students, faculty, administration and staff will be made, under threat of punishment, to acquiesce in this utter madness, this little-kid-pretend-level engagement of the world.

I doubt that there are five college or university campuses left in post-America that have not exhibited some degree of this rot.

It is so very late in the day.

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