Monday, July 16, 2018

Darlin', your mideast policy chops need some burnishing

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez also seems to have a penchant for winging it in exchanges with the press:

It’s a good thing Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez won a primary in a safe Democratic district in New York. Otherwise, she and her party might have actually paid a price for this epic faceplant on television this weekend. The ascendant Democratic Socialist candidate for the House decried the “occupation of Palestine” during an interview for PBS’ The Firing Line, only to whiff when Margaret Hoover pressed her for an explanation of what she meant (via Twitchy):
Socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez attacks Israel, calls them the occupiers of Palestine. When pressed on what she meant she struggled to give an answer and then admitted she does not know what she is talking about.

HOOVER: Of course, the dynamic there in terms of geopolitics and — [crosstalk]

OCASIO-CORTEZ: Of course —

HOOVER: — are ver different than people expressing their First Amendment rights.

OCASIO-CORTEZ: Well, yes, but I also think that what people are starting to see, at least in the occupation of Palestine, is just an increasing crisis of humanitarian conditions. And that to me is just where I tend to come from on this issue.

HOOVER: You use the term “the occupation of Palestine”? What did you mean by that?

OCASIO-CORTEZ: Oh! Um … I think what I meant is like the settlements that are increasing in some of these places where, um … where Palestinians are experiencing, uh, difficulty in access to their housing and homes.

HOOVER: Do you think you can expand on that?
OCASIO-CORTEZ: Yeah, I think I’d also just — I am not the expert on geopolitics on this issue! [laughs] 

Is she this underbaked on other issues?


  1. She readily admitted she was uninformed on an issue and was able to laugh at herself. You are completely mistaken to regard these as character flaws. Cheers.

  2. "Darlin'"?!?

    "Yeah, little lady, you just need to stand aside and leave this important stuff to the menfolk."

  3. I thought someone would notice the way the post title framed the matter - and point out its identity politics implications.

    You know the old quip:

    Q: How many feminists does it take to change a lightbulb?

    A: That's not funny!
